
Rebirth of Reason

Favorite EditSanction this itemWatership Down by Richard Adams
Watership DownThis story is about a group of rabbits who leave their home in search of a new place to live because of dangers that threaten them. Along the way they meet other rabbits and come across many warrens, some of which they are invited to live at, others which they must escape from. The story is not only a page turner at times, but I thought the author did a spectacular job of weaving in the different societies and types of governments that ruled the warrens.

While this book is often read in high school, I didn't get to read it until after college (pre-Rand though!). I am certain I missed many of the analogies in the book, so it might be a good one to even reread down the line.
Added by Elizabeth
on 6/21/2004, 7:19am

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