
Rebirth of Reason


Hmmmm....Yankel was a wine maker, but he was not too bright. Naturally, most of his yearly income came before Passover when Jews all over the world buy a lot of wine. One day before Passover, Yankel opened a fresh barrel and noticed that it was half empty.
How could wine be missing from a newly opened barrel? He thought and thought, but he couldn't figure it out. Finally, he called his wife Sherry to the wine cellar and told her about this puzzle. "Perhaps you can solve the mystery," he said.
After a quick inspection, she pointed to the bottom of the barrel and exclaimed, "Yankel, look there is a small hole here. This is why there is wine missing!"
Yankel carefully inspected the hole, examined the wine in the barrel and looked at the hole again. "That's the silliest thing I have ever heard! How could the hole be the culprit?" he said confidently. "Look, the hole is at the bottom of the barrel and the wine is missing at the top!"
Added by Marty Lewinter
on 8/29, 9:56pm

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