Mind: The Fountainhead Part Two
The PROPEL™ Ayn Rand Meetup® groups will discuss these Objectivist Inquiry™ questions for The Fountainhead Part Two by Ayn Rand:
Cognitive Questions
Characterize Ellsworth Toohey.
Characterize Catherine Halsey.
Characterize Dominique Francon.
Describe how Toohey relates to others.
Why does Roark not cross-examine any of the witnesses in the trial surrounding the Stoddard temple?
Why does Keating marry Dominique despite his promise to marry Catherine?
Why does Roark tell Toohey that he does not think of him?
Normative Questions
Did you agree with Roark's choice not to cross-examine any of the witnesses in the trial surrounding the Stoddard temple?
Did you agree with Keating's decision to marry Dominique rather than Catherine?
Did you agree with Roark's decision not to dissuade Dominique from her marriage to Keating?
In what ways did this novel influence your values?