Mind: The Fountainhead Part Four
The PROPEL™ Ayn Rand Meetup® groups will discuss these Objectivist Inquiry™ questions for The Fountainhead Part Four by Ayn Rand:
Cognitive Questions
Characterize Howard Roark.
Describe how Howard Roark relates to others.
Why does Keating pursue the Courtland project?
Why does Roark design Courtland?
Why does Roark demolish Courtland?
Why does Dominique assist Roark with the demolition?
Why does Toohey want to see Roark jailed?
Why does Dominique alert the press to her adulterous affair with Roark?
Why does the jury acquit Roark?
Why does Wynand defend Roark and later retract that defense?
Why does Wynand award his last building project to Roark?
Normative Questions
Did you agree with Roark's decision to design Courtland?
Did you agree with Roark's decision to demolish Courtland?
Did you agree with Dominique's cooperation with Roark?
Did you agree with the jury's decision to acquit Roark?
Did you agree with the conditions Wynand imposed on Roark in exchange for awarding his last building project to Roark?
In what ways did this novel influence your values?