
Rebirth of Reason

Mind: Atlas Shrugged Part Three Chapters VI-X

Mind: <i>Atlas Shrugged</i> Part Three Chapters VI-XThe PROPEL™ Ayn Rand Meetup® groups will discuss these Objectivist Inquiry™ questions for Atlas Shrugged Part Three Chapters VI-X by Ayn Rand:

Cognitive Questions

  • Describe the conditions in the world as the story progresses in these chapters.
  • Describe the change in character of the Wet Nurse.
  • What finally convinces Henry Rearden to join the strike?
  • Why does John Galt air his speech to the world?
  • How does the world react to the speech of John Galt?
  • Why does Dagny Taggart seek John Galt?
  • Why do the looters seek John Galt?
  • Why does Dr. Robert Stadler want to kill John Galt?
  • Why does Eddie Willers choose to travel to California in the face of overwhelming odds?
  • Why do the looters first confine John Galt to luxurious quarters, then place him on the spot in a public announcement, then finally strap him to a torture machine?
  • Why do Dr. Robert Stadler and Cuffy Meigs each want to take control of Project X?
  • Why does Dagny Taggart fatally wound the guard at the door to Project F rather than just injure him or restrain him as her companions did to the other guards?
  • Why do the lights in New York stop burning?
  • Why does Eddie Willers refuse to join the covered wagon train?
  • Why does John Galt feel confident at the end of the novel that the strike can finally end?
    Normative Questions

  • Did you find the decline of conditions in the novel believable?
  • Did you find the progressively malevolent actions of the villains believable?
  • Did you find the change in character of the Wet Nurse believable?
  • Did you find the stories of Project X and Project F believable?
  • Did you consider Dagny Taggart's execution of the guard morally just?
  • Did you consider the strike of the producers morally just?
  • Did you consider the decision of Eddie Willers not to join the covered wagon train wise?
  • In what ways did this novel influence your values?

  • Added by Luke Setzer
    on 1/17, 4:55am

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