Mind: Discuss Capitalism Preface through Chapter 3 by George Reisman
The PROPEL™ Ayn Rand Meetup® groups will discuss these Objectivist Inquiry™ questions for Capitalism Preface through Chapter 3 by George Reisman:
Cognitive Questions
Describe how the author came to embrace capitalism at an early age.
Trace the author's intellectual development over his lifetime.
Contrast the author's definition of capitalism against how other economists and philosophers have used the term over the generations.
How does the author define freedom?
Why does the author consider his text as essential in understanding history?
Why do people have a limitless need and desire for wealth?
What is the law of diminishing marginal utility?
What is Say's Law?
What is time preference?
What makes labor scarce?
How does the author criticize conservationism?
Outline the author's critiques of environmentalism.
Normative Questions
Do you consider the author's early embracement of capitalism sound?
Do you agree with the author that his treatment of economics represents a scientific approach?
Do you consider the author's treatment of his ideological enemies justifiable?
Did you find any of the author's main points disagreeable?
In what ways did this reading selection influence your values?