| The late and much missed Jeremy Brett has long been regarded by many Holmes fans as the definitive screen personification of Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle's master detective. The British-produced series of hour-long episodes and 5 tv movies cover the vast majority of Conan-Doyle's stories, and for the most part are reasonably faithful adaptations, though inevitably there are some changes.
Brett is perfect as Holmes, whether the scene calls for rationality, determination, ruthlessness, almost hyperactive enthusiasm or drug-induced stupor. Sadly, Brett's illness is all too evident in the last series of episodes to be filmed (he died shortly afterwards), though this does not overshadow the glory of what had gone before. Dr Watson, played initially by Burke and subsequently by Hardwicke, is thankfully portrayed as the competent, brave companion of the novels and short stories, rather than the bumbling idiot played by Nigel Bruce in the Basil Rathbone big screen movies.
A number of well-known British actors turn up in the guest cast: Eric Porter is deliciously menacing as crime boss Moriarty (whose role is somewhat more fleshed out than the character's surprisingly brief role in Doyle's stories), and Charles Gray is wonderful as Sherlock's older brother Mycroft, who (partly due to Brett's illness in the later episodes) also sees a little more action than in the source material.
Special mention also to the little known Rosalie Williams, who makes several appearances as Mrs Hudson, the long-suffering housekeeper of Holmes' Baker Street rooms.