
Rebirth of Reason

Beam me up Scotty...
Posted by Daniel Roy McNaughton on 11/17, 8:34pm
Perhaps it is disrespectful to make fun of the dead, however a short notice in yesterday's 'The Australian' newspaper raised a chuckle.

I presume most of you have heard of Scotty, Captain James T. Kirk's mercurial engineer on the Starship Enterprise, from the original T.V series "Star Trek".  Played by actor James Doohan, Scotty - became famous for memorable lines like "I'm giving it all she's got Captain" and "These engines can't take much more of this" - as he worked feverishly on the ship's powerplant in a weekly attempt to evade marauding Klingons, and as much for the corny Scottish accent he employed to deliver them.

He was the recipient of that wonderful and universally quoted phrase "Beam me up Scotty"  as he stood, brow furrowed with concern, at the transporter console aboard ship.

James passed on recently and reportedly left plans to be blasted into space aboard a small rocket, his remains forever traversing the Cosmos.  The problem was however, the rocket couldn't get off the ground due to... Engine problems! 

 Launch has been resheduled for February.  R.I.P 'Scotty', warp factor 5!
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