FAQ: How Real ID will affect you Posted by Joe Maurone on 3/13, 7:19pm | ||
Rev.13:16: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Ayn Rand, when asked about civil disobediance, said that "You didn't expect her to be storming the barricades, it's much too soon for that." Many Objectivists wonder if and when that time will come. Barbara Branden, in an interview with Lindsay Perigo, pointed to the implementation of a national ID card, which was being discussed as a possibility after Sept. 11th, as an indicator that such a time might be near: Perigo: "Objectivists & libertarians are hotly debating how much freedom, if any, may legitimately be forfeited for the sake of "security" against terrorists. What's your position on that?" Branden: "This is an issue I am very concerned about. I fear not so much the loss of the freedoms that will be taken away during war time - although some of Ashcroft's intentions worry me a great deal - but that they never will be restored. This has been a common practice in any American crisis situation: Roosevelt abrogated many of our freedoms during the 1929 depression and during World War II - and we never have gotten them back. And war time or not, there is no possible justification for such atrocities as a National ID card. If it should become law, I think that this is the time for civil disobedience." There hasn't been much reported on the matter in recent years, but now it's come to be: "President Bush is expected to sign an $82 billion military spending bill soon that will, in part, create electronically readable, federally approved ID cards for Americans. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the package--which includes the Real ID Act--on Thursday." What does that mean for me? Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you'll need a federally approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver's license likely will have to be reissued to meet federal standards. | ||