Believe Posted by Luke Setzer on 8/30, 11:58am | ||
Anyone ever exposed to multi-level marketing can appreciate this. Thank you for becoming a true believer in "Believe"! 1. The greatest way to promote a film is through word-of-mouth grassroots marketing. There's no better way to effectively spread the word than through a personal endorsement of the film. We have some ideas on how you can tell others about this great little movie: The quickest way is to send an email out to all of your friends, family, co-workers, etc. However, we recognize that there are two types of friends, family, co-workers, etc. There are those that haven't hit you up for an MLM and those that have. We have two templates for you to choose from. Simply copy the template, paste it to an email message, customize it by choosing the best fitting word in each bracket, and send! Those who haven't: Hey Guys, I came across this [killer, super cool, awesome, wicked, sweet, and hilarious] website about a movie coming out called "Believe." It's a satirical comedy about multi-level-marketing -- you know, one of those [Amway, NuSkin, Xango, Noni, Pre-Paid Legal, Melaleuca, Primerica, etc.] type companies that up for which everyone tries to hit you. There's some very funny stuff on this site. Make sure you sign up for the newsletter and definitely sign up for the MLM Do Not Contact Registry. The guys who came up with this are [geniuses, brilliant, crazy, half-baked, nuts, certifiable, etc.]. Oh yeah, and make sure you tell five of your friends and they tell five of there's and so on and so on! I think it would be [cool, hysterical, neat, tripping, etc.] if we could get a whole bunch of people to sign up for the MLM Do Not Contact Registry. Anyway, here's the web address: http://www.believethemovie.com Check it out! Those who have: Hey _______, Do you remember when you [called me up, stopped by my house, came over to my desk, cornered me at church, etc.] and said you wanted to talk to me about some "business opportunity"? And, do you remember how I asked you if it was [multi-level-marketing, network marketing, one of those pyramid schemes, etc.] and you said no and then we got together and it turned out to be [Amway, NuSkin, Xango, Noni, Pre-Paid Legal, Melaleuca, Primerica, etc.]? Well, I don't know if you've made your [millions, billions, gazillions] of dollars yet, are free from your job, and are now walking the beaches of the world and all but I thought you and your "business partners" should know about a movie coming out called "Believe". You can find it at: http://www.believethemovie.com The movie is a satirical comedy about multi-level-marketing. From what I have heard, none of those MLM companies want to talk about it. I wonder why? Anyway, you might want to warn your downline, upline, crossline, whatever you call them, because I'm sure when this movie comes out they're going to get a lot questions about it. 2. Another effective tool to spread the word is to put up fliers. We've got one you can download. You can find it on the Believe website. Go to the "Join" button and select the "Join the Crusade" section. Just print, clip the little web tags so people can rip them off and put it up in your office, library, church, bookstore, public restroom, diner, cafe, grocery store any place where people are and there's a place to put this sort of stuff up, do so. 3. Fun tools we've included are business card templates. These are great! Just print them out on Avery 3612 business card stock and hand them out the next time you run into a friend or co-worker. A conversation might go as follows: Hey (enter name or greeting here), how's it going? I got involved in a new business opportunity I wanted to talk to you about. Look, here's my card. (hand them the card, pause, and start laughing so they know you are joking) I'm just kidding; it's a new movie coming out called "Believe." It's a satire about those multi-level-marketing companies. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. 4. Create your own street signs. You've seen them before. Someone has planted a sign at an intersection that says, "Investor looking for Apprentice" or "Earn Money Now, Ask Me How." Well, why don't we make our own? They could say, "Lose Money Now, Ask Me How" or "Earn $1Billion per Month." We're certain you can come up with something witty and smart too. Just remember to always put the web address at the bottom: http://www.believethemovie.com There are many ways to tell people about "Believe." These are just a few suggestions and tools to help you get started. The only thing we ask of you is to fun with it! Thank you. | ||