
Rebirth of Reason

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The New Individualist - Fall 2006 Issue
Posted by Michael Stuart Kelly on 10/05, 11:55am
The New Individualist - Fall 2006 Issue

The Fall 2006 issue of The New Individualist is out and showing the world what making an Objectivist magazine is all about. It has grown from the 35 pages of before to 47 pages. As a capitalist, I can only be enormously pleased to see the advertising increase. This means that acceptance is growing enough for more and more people in private industry to pay for getting their message to The New Individualist readers.

Robert Bidinotto returned as editor of this issue and he has done a marvelous job.

The feature articles:
  • Walter Donway, "Empire of Earth" (a beautiful poem celebrating the spirit of the creators of America's railroads)
  • Roger Donway, "The Vindication of Frank Quattrone" (the story of how the king of successful dotcom investment bankers was persecuted by government regulators, but how he won)
  • Edward L. Hudgins, "The Battle for the Soul of the Republican Party" (a masterful dissection of how the Republican Party is losing its way because it is abandoning its focus on individualism)
  • Marsha Enright, "Tom Wolfe: American Iconoclast" (in-depth profile of one of the most outrageously funny satirists of social climbers and hypocrites, Tom Wolfe, author of The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Bonfire of the Vanities and other best sellers)
  • Bruce Thronton, “The Roots of Jihadist Terror,” review of Islamic Imperialism by Efraim Karsh
  • Robert Jones, “Cuba Libre” (film review of The Lost City) and “Speaking Truth to Poseurs” (film review of Art School Confidential)
  • Robert Bidinotto, "Back to the Future?" (editorial, charmingly called “Soliloquy” in the magazine, on the contradictions within conservatism that are impeding the dethronement of the statists now running the Republican Party)
Now if you will excuse me, I have some pleasurable reading ahead…


(Note: I have not been asked to post this announcement, nor any other I have made for The New Individualist. I do so of my own free initiative because I like what I see and I believe in it.)

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