
Rebirth of Reason

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Is a GED More Valuable Than a PhD?
Posted by Luke Setzer on 5/13, 5:15am
My recent rants about the purpose of education and how academia has abused that purpose led me to Web searches about the General Educational Development (GED) examination. I found many interesting hits contrasting the value of the GED against that of a PhD. This particular article had some excellent thoughts so I wanted to share it. Readers also made very pointed comments such as this one:

Students are also to blame for not thinking about job prospects when choosing what to study. Read all the great literature you want, but when you decide to spend upwards of $100,000 on your education (whether that money comes from you, the university, or some sort of grant) you need to think long and hard about whether you will end up employable. This nation is not producing enough scientists and engineers. Why don't students take a much closer look at those fields? It's because we think of school as a fun thing to do, not training for employment. The worst tragedy are the students who took out tens of thousands of dollars in loans to get these degrees and are now not only unemployed but also burdened with debt for the rest of their lives, debt that cannot even be erased by bankruptcy.

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