Matus1976 Podcast - Comments on Love with excerpts from the novel – "A Ship Made of Paper" Posted by Michael F Dickey on 7/29, 5:09pm | ||
The latest entry to my Philosophy, Science, Politics, Art podcast. "The Narratives of love presented in some of these excerpts reflect many of the predominant philosophical cultural ideas about love. This topic may seem out of place in this podcast usual devoted to politics, science, or history, but the current mainstream interpretations of emotions are fundamentally incorrect (as modern science makes readily apparent) and because of this are psychologically incredibly harmful, and in no area of emotional reactions are the majority philosophical trends more wrong and thus more harmful than in the area of love. While we rightly laugh at funny things, and get angry at unjust things, we very rarely love people worthy of love, because we celebrate love as either some mystical divination or deride it as some irrational firing of chemicals. Love is neither, it is a proper reaction to your highest values expressed in another person." | ||