
Rebirth of Reason

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SoloHQ: New Forums and Clubs
Posted by Joseph Rowlands on 5/24/2004, 1:23am
I've added a board called "Banter" which can only be read by members.  It's a place to talk about anything.  The idea is to have a less formal place to chit-chat about anything you want.

Also, I've added a board called "Dissent".  Since we've had so many non-objectivists crashing the party, and yet people still think it's worth trying to convert these heathens, it's easier to have an entire board instead of trying to cram it all into one discussion thread.  Non-Objectivist guests, please keep your rants on that board.

I've also added three new SOLO mini-groups.  Solo Florida, Solo Silicon Valley, and Solo NZ.  You can sign up to these groups from your preference page (click your name at the bottom of every screen).  Luke Setzer will be leading Solo Florida.  I will run Solo Silicon Valley, and Lindsay is the default owner of Solo NZ.  If you have information, news, etc, that might be of interest to these groups, there are new forums made especially for them.
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