
Rebirth of Reason

How Racist Are We?
Posted by William Dwyer on 8/28, 11:42am
By Will Thomas of the Atlas Society:

"I知 a bit of a racist. I値l bet you are one, too.

"Okay, no one wants to admit it. But I find I知 like most people: I take race seriously in making practical decisions. I think American blacks are likely to be less efficient and less capable at most jobs than are American whites. I think whites are likely to be sloppier and ruder than East Asians. I think Southeast Asians are likely to be cheerier than everyone. I知 worried that poorly-educated Latino immigrants might create a culture of Catholic poverty and Latin populism here in the U.S.

"But then, more than a racist, I知 an interesting-conversation-ist, a stands-up-straight-ist, a decent-grooming-ist, a beauty-and-fitness-ist, a pro-literacy-ist. I discriminate in favor of people I think can hold down a job and do decently at it. I especially favor those who do great work in their jobs or study successfully in school. I値l bet you, do too."
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