
Rebirth of Reason

Rand Paul's State of the Union response
Posted by Dan Sprenger on 1/30, 6:26am

I am sure atleast a few people here have already watched this.  I am curious as to what others thought of it.  I really, really like the idea of "Economic Freedom Zones".  I am not sure how it would come about practically, but I think it combines a couple of great American ideas:

1)  Economic Freedom-  This is obviously something that, atleast historically, America has been known for in relation to other countries.  

2)  Experiments-  This is also something America has historically been known for, mostly through federalism.  Why does everyone across the USA have to do the same thing?  People across America are very different, and everyone has their own ideas about how to improve the current state of affairs.  Why can't we try out ideas in small areas and see what works?  If socialism really is best, it will prove itself in small areas and then spread.  Of course I think we all know that is not the case!

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