
Rebirth of Reason

Daniel Pipes - Judas
Posted by Ruth on 8/05, 11:00pm
Pipes is easily one of the foremost authorities today on jihad, Israel, the greater Middle East, and the Muslim world.  However, I am convinced that he made the decision long ago to take a somewhat politically correct approach to disseminating
knowledge about the happy-fun death cult. Take this quote from his interview with the ABC...

I think it was a good idea to avoid targeting Islam the religion, the personal faith of something like 1 billion people.That's not the issue.In fact, I would argue that by focusing on militant Islam you become aware that moderate Muslims who form the bulk of the Muslim population are our allies (...)Militant Islam is of modern phenomenon a twentieth century phenomenon that basically originates in the 1920s, the era of totalitarian enthusiasm, the era when fascism got going, Leninism got going, so did militant Islam.

Marry a surfeit of money to the most extreme ideology, and what do you get? That's not rocket science. Islam has metastasized, and infects the whole world. I am always surprised at the number of intelligent individuals who sincerely believe that Islam the religion is not the problem, that the ideology has merely been hijacked by a few "extremists".  An acquaintance of mine commented  in respect of Pipe's interview that:

"The bulk of Muslims are not actively engaged in the campaign of violent jihad against the West, although many support it either materially or ideologically. The small number of Muslims who might support a reformation movement in Islam are cowed into silence, or killed, by the minority of their compatriots who are vigorously involved in the jihad movement.  Westerners need to stop apologizing for the status quo of Islamic doctrine, of which offensive, armed jihad is in the mainstream, and start supporting the few reform-minded Muslims who can work with us to begin resolving this crucial issue. 

Of course, I have no way knowing for certain if Mr. Pipes is actually as sanguine about the prospects of millions and millions of Muslims getting chummy with Western principles, but I can't help but believe that he knows better".
I think he knows better as well. Shame Mr Pipes.
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