
Rebirth of Reason

Sightings: Television

Sanctions: 23Sanctions: 23
Sanctions: 23
Clarence Thomas Influenced by Ayn Rand
Posted by Sam Erica on 11/02, 12:48pm
Laura Ingraham interviewed Clarence Thomas on The Ingraham Angle Nov. 1 and he referenced Ayn Rand as one of the authors that he read at the local library as a young lad growing up in the deep south. ...(Read more...)
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The Atlas Shrugged Controversy
Posted by Sam Erica on 3/28, 2:57pm
Tonight (March 28, 2011) Sean Hannity will have a piece on "The Atlas Shrugged Controversy" on TV.(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 22Sanctions: 22
Sanctions: 22
"Pretty soon Atlas is going to shrug"
Posted by Steve Wolfer on 4/15, 6:09pm
Heard this on Fox News from former Senator Fred Thompson when referring to the consequences of ever-increasing taxes :-)(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 26Sanctions: 26
Sanctions: 26
Jennifer Burns Interview on The Daily Show
Posted by Teresa Summerlee Isanhart on 10/16, 11:03pm
This aired last night.  Burns comes in at about 11:51 minutes, and she does a great job against Stewart's predictable jabs and objections.   (Read more...)
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Sanctions: 10Sanctions: 10
Sanctions: 10
Jodie Foster does Fountainhead on Simpsons, airs May 10
Posted by Ted Keer on 5/04, 9:21am
"Sometimes we do these trilogy episodes, and this one has powerful women through history and we do a parody of The Fountainhead, the Ayn Rand book," said [producer Al] Jean. "Maggie Simpson is in a preschool where she's trying to build these beautiful block buildings and the preschool teacher keeps knocking them down ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 20Sanctions: 20
Sanctions: 20
Yaron Brook on Glenn Beck
Posted by Sam Erica on 3/27, 3:27pm
Yaron Brooke had a major interview on the Glenn Beck show today and did it very professionally.  ...(Read more...)
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Sanctions: 11Sanctions: 11
Sanctions: 11
Ayn Rand quoted on "Criminal Minds"
Posted by Erica Schulz on 12/11, 11:33am
...(Read more...)
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Sawyer on "Lost" Reads "The Fountainhead"
Posted by Tyson Russell on 2/21, 10:26pm
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Another Ayn Rand Mention on "Mad Men"
Posted by Sam Erica on 10/18, 9:12pm
This is the third time that this series has had a mention of Rand. They follow a pattern of alternate episodes. On this one they had a throw-away-line of the creative director to his underling saying that he was giving him a copy of a book by Ayn Rand. (They always pronounce it correctly.) This was in a context of him ...(Read more...)
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