Shows the concrete-bound, 'substitute-perceptual-(e.g., memory)-for-conceptual-awareness' mentality of left-liberals. When you only 'think' perceptually (like an animal does), then you will have contradictions. Of note is the following:
"I remember which party ...
[40 seconds in] ... took a record budget surplus and turned it into a record budget deficit."
[45 seconds in] ... believes that spending money on our nation is wasted money."
Not 5 seconds pass between these 2 contradictory statements. It would be incredible without an explanation. The explanation is that these folks are so intellectually lazy that they won't introspect and hone their conceptual powers of awareness. Instead, everything is perceptual to them. Everything is "reacted to" -- without the mental effort required for noncontradictory integration.
Rand said a lot about this kind of a 'missing link' mentality.