Drooling Beast
by James Kilbourne
This article is my explanation of what is wrong at SOLO. I am not a medical doctor or a therapist, so I stress: this is just my opinion. It is up to Linz whether he will let it be published. It is my hope that it will at least help people better understand my departure. (Read more...)
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Free to Live Life
by James Kilbourne
The brilliant achievement of capitalism is the freeing of the individual to achieve his own potential, and as millions are doing this, they are redefining the attributes of what it means to be a fully actualized human being. People are becoming bigger, stronger, more empathetic, more self-aware and self-reliant, more knowledgeable, less prejudiced—in short, capitalism is producing a more civilized human animal. To say that you believe in human dignity and well being is to say you believe in capitalism. (Read more...)
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On Gay Marriage
by James Kilbourne
The question of gay marriage is no longer just that single issue. It has now been positioned by the two competing American political philosophies, conservative and liberal, to reflect whether one believes in the natural existence of gay people, and—if that is accepted—the concept of equal rights. (Read more...)
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Sergio Manuel Sanchez Covarrubias Kilbourne
by James Kilbourne
Today, you are triumphant, and our love conquers all fear and doubt. Tomorrow we will deal with tomorrow, and we will deal with each tomorrow thereafter together. Today, July 8, is my birthday; your courage and strength have given me the greatest birthday present I could ever receive. And I no longer fear tomorrow. Our love makes any tomorrow bearable and every today a joy. (Read more...)
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A Little Thoughtful Planning Can Make ALL the Difference!
by James Kilbourne
I was resting comfortably in my room, warm and secure after a light lunch when it started. What a commotion! I was sure it was an earthquake, as I was being jostled and thrown about. I feared for my very life! (Read more...)
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America’s Anthem: The Declaration of Independence
by James Kilbourne
America’s anthem is the inspiration for freedom everywhere and has become freedom’s anthem heard around the world. Whenever you hear news of people fighting for democracy, pause and give thanks for the Declaration of Independence. (Read more...)
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Collapse of the Loyal Opposition
by James Kilbourne
The Democratic Party haven’t been a loyal opposition in some time. Since the Vietnam War, they have broken the tradition of a bipartisan international agenda, and have moved further away from the political mainstream with each decade. They have become a motley band of mostly self-serving special interests. They consistently put their own political survival over the wellbeing of their country. (Read more...)
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by James Kilbourne
What Sabrina is thinking is a source of continual fascination to me. I realize many of you will say, “Get a life!” I assure you, I “have a life.” My answer to you is, “Develop some imagination.” I am always empathetic to animals, but because I love Sabrina, empathy and curiosity become fascination. (Read more...)
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America’s Great Presidents (Part III)
by James Kilbourne
We need to have the courage to accept the fact that we are winning the war of ideas. The opposition in American politics - the left, as represented by the Democratic Party - is bereft of ideas. (Read more...)
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Finding America’s Next Great President (Part Two)
by James Kilbourne
I call myself a Republican not because I agree with all their positions, but rather because I understand that politics is not philosophy, although that does not mean that they are in conflict. It is important to understand that politics is the art of trying to advance your philosophy as quickly as you can in a non-coercive manner, and that often requires some strange bedfellows. (Read more...)
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Our Greatest Living Tenor: Placido Domingo
by James Kilbourne
There is no tenor in history who has worked harder on his art than Placido Domingo. (Read more...)
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Liquid Sunshine
by James Kilbourne
Yesterday, Sergio visited me with a young friend who is also participating in his addiction recovery program. We have gotten to know him over the last few months and he has struck a chord in me that I hadn’t yet been able to name. (Read more...)
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Yes? No!
by James Kilbourne
The music is better than the booklet, but that would also be true of a four-year bubonic plague epidemic. (Read more...)
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America's Four Greatest Presidents
by James Kilbourne
Although there may be some truth to the importance of being in the right place at the right time, I believe that it is the greatness of the men that helped make it the right time, and that the greatest presidents have a common theme: the fight for freedom. (Read more...)
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Why I Love Religious People (Well, One of Them, Anyway)
by James Kilbourne
When I was around twelve years old, I came to the realization one day in Sunday school that people generally use the term God when they are trying to figure something out, get tired, and don’t want to think about it any more. (Read more...)
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Finding Our Way Back Together
by James Kilbourne
As Sergio is the love of my life, Barbara Branden is the friend of my life. The word friend feels inadequate here. I will always be there for Barbara. She is always there for me. (Read more...)
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The Greatest Operatic Tenor on Record
by James Kilbourne
He can float a soft note for what seems eternity, and bring you to beautiful place of his own creation as he does it. Just as you become relaxed and appreciative of this gentle, introspective world, Jussi the hero and conqueror leaves you gasping for air and looking for your horse to join him in battle. (Read more...)
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The Truck Driver and the Choirboy
by James Kilbourne
To a greater degree than any artist I have experienced, Mario Lanza had his own vision and couldn’t care less if you thought it was silly, crazy or too emotional. Lanza went inside himself and inside the music for inspiration, not to his last critical review. (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #4 - The Honorable Senator Kennedy
by James Kilbourne
As we await the results of the first free election in Iraqi history, Ted Kennedy has declared that our policies for the War on Terror are a complete failure and that we need to pull out of Iraq and admit this fact. (Read more...)
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Finding My Way Back to Me
by James Kilbourne
I have very few answers as to how I will live in the future. However, I am now beginning to see the questions that need to be answered, and to once again understand the process I need to follow to find those answers. I also recognize the nature of the only answers that I can accept. (Read more...)
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Thursday November 25, 2004 |
by James Kilbourne
I love Thanksgiving. It is a quintessentially American holiday, where you take the time to think about how damned lucky you are to have been born in this country. (Read more...)
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A Radical Proposal
by James Kilbourne
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have scooped the press and unearthed the secret plan George Bush has for his second term. And, boy, is it sneaky! Kerry would never have stooped so low. (Read more...)
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Puccini's "Edgar": My Brush with Immortality.
by James Kilbourne
[Editor's note - Intrigued by this article, I dug up an old CD in my collection containing the orchestral preludes to Acts 1 & 3 of 'Edgar.' The music is most certainly "glorious" ... lyrical & rhapsodic. - Linz]
On another occasion, I will write a full review of 'Edgar.' Suffice it to say that 'Edgar' contains some of the most glorious music Puccini ever wrote, and since we are talking about Puccini here, that means it contains some of the most glorious music ever written. (Read more...)
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The Night Before Yesterday
by James Kilbourne
I see that that new-but-already-classic film "The Day After Tomorrow" is being released this week on DVD. I had the honor of attending this masterpiece last June upon its theatrical release. Somewhat blinded by insight overload, the following were my thoughts upon arising the next morning: (Read more...)
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by James Kilbourne
From the beginning, we have heard that Bush and Kerry are tied. Several polls still show Kerry as even or a point or two ahead, although most of the “experts” now see Bush with about a five point lead. But I see two facts at work on Bush’s behalf. (Read more...)
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