Dying by the Post-Modern Sword
by Jason Pappas
We, who support the struggle of our brave Danish compatriots, are fighting with one hand tied behind our backs—and we are unaware of this handicap. Our side in this battle has failed to use our most important weapon: we are fighting for the truth. This isn’t incidental to the debate; this is the whole purpose of the de... (Read more...)
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A Conservative Explains The Virtue Of America
by Jason Pappas
During the 20th century, as we faced the ravages of totalitarianism – wars, concentration camps, enslavement and death on a vast scale – we re-examined the principles and practices that kept our country from a similar fate. For many, this led to a reaffirmation of the tradition of individual rights. The concept of indi... (Read more...)
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Sicking The Saddamites #3 - They Really Do Hate Freedom!
by Jason Pappas
The problem is not that Muslims aren’t attracted to life in the West. Just the opposite! Devout Muslims hate that fact. Why is that so hard to understand? The deeply religious have always had problems with freedom. (Read more...)
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The Real Reason to Vote for Bush
by Jason Pappas
A vote for Kerry is a vote that American is a shameful nation – a vote for Bush is a vote for American’s essential greatness and our right to defend our achievement. (Read more...)
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