
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Chase, W

January 28, 2010
Sense of Life
Untying the Gordian Knot
by W Chase
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Sitting in my room on a sunny summer day, surrounded by vertiginous stacks of Casper the Friendly Ghost, Archie, and Richie Rich comic books, and still more books, I read with an intense fascination, as if I'm on the verge of discovering the secrets of reality, the hacks of existence, the Cheat Codes of Life. One may wonder how such a feat could possibly be gleaned off of children's comics, but I'm not entertaining myself with Casper, Archie, or Richie. No, I'm immersing myself in something much less pedestrian and much more dangerous. Drowning my intellect in a miasma of fallacies, I instead satiate my naiveté-stricken appetite for knowledge with encyclopedias of superstitions, stories of the supernatural, and what would otherwise be the peddling of a snake oil salesman in lesser civilized countries. (Read more...)
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November 3, 2008
Of Gentlemanliness, Etiquette, and Professionalism
by W Chase
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Mr. Anspaugh discusses and analyzes his experience with the mainstream pedagogy of etiquette, style, and professionalism. (Read more...)
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October 22, 2008
The Socioeconomics of Divorce
by W Chase
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Mr. Anspaugh illustrates the important and pervasive role that socioeconomics plays in the dynamics of marriage and divorce, within the scope of the economic, political, and legal environment, as well as the cultures of values that exist in society at large. (Read more...)
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December 31, 2007
From the 60's to the 90's and Beyond...
by W Chase
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An analysis of American culture and consumerism from the Cold War era to the present times. (Read more...)
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August 31, 2006
by W Chase
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Rationality. This word gets tossed around a lot. Throughout such semantic tug ‘o wars, it often gets twisted, stretched and misused. Many use it as if to refer to a mere social convention that arbitrates a vague, “proper” way to think and act. Consequently, we see many others that react to this sort of ambiguous misuse of the word and wail against their newly malformed concept of rationality; as some arbitrary, restrictive and often burdensome social custom. As a few amongst us may know, this is an irrational perspective of rationality.
So then, what is rationality? (Read more...)

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August 18, 2006
Sense of Life
Apotheosis: The Virtue of Perfectionism
by W Chase
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 Perfectionism means living, and acting at 100% all the time – not merely here and there, wherever or whenever one feels like it. Perfectionism is not impractical – to the contrary. Striving towards perfection is the only practical guide to action – anything less is impractical and therefore, evil; read: anti-life. Let us see why, using a simple example, supposing you are about to take a test in any given class. (Read more...)
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