On Passing Judgment: Politics versus Etiquette
by Ted Keer
From Ayn Rand's break with the Brandens to the current fiasco over James Valliant's banning at Wikipedia, Objectivists have taken sides and demanded that sides be taken. Is this the best policy in all cases? (Read more...)
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Tuesday September 25, 2007 |
My Soul is a Pack of Coyotes
by Ted Keer
My Soul is a Pack of Coyotes My soul is a pack of coyotes Trying to catch a rabbit In the field of my imagination. My heart is a flock of seagulls sleeping on water With fish going right under them In every direction Just like my bloodstream. My body is like an Encyclopedia of bones, ... (Read more...)
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How Do You Turn a Man Taliban?
by Ted Keer
From Ernst Roehm to John Walker Lindh, the sublimated pervert killer has served as the willing victim/martyr/sacrifice to turn his shame into glory. Are the Doctor Bombers of Britain any different? (Read more...)
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