Thank you Scientists and Technologists Of course, what science and technology bring forth can be of immense significance, in medicine, transportation, agriculture and so forth. But there are the trivial pursuits that are enhanced by it as well. For me the delete button on my Mac, the mute button on my TV, the screening I can do on my phone now as well as many other minor benefits make a lot of difference. For example, as an avid tennis fan, I watch most of the major tournaments, such as the French Open, the US Open, Wimbledon, etc. But I detest it when audiences make pointless noise. Certain players have fans who insist on creating intolerable noise. In some cases they even bring noise producing instruments with which to make that racket. Less annoying but still nice to avoid is when players, mostly the women, scream as they hit the ball or during their serves. Or when some commentators insist on yakking on endlessly, with their idiosyncratic observations and memories of previous tennis events in which I have no interest at all. I am very grateful to whoever invented the muting device and subtitles. I used to own a P-1800 Volvo sedan. I had it for over twenty years. I liked it a lot and now and then I would express my thanks to the engineers who designed it. These days I do something similar to my computer, my stereo system, TV and so forth. So let this be a short tip of the hat to all those folks who work on ways to make life better for us all.
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