Thank you Scientists and Technologists
by Tibor R. Machan
There is so much that scientists have discovered that makes our lives rich and rewarding that it may seem pointless to call attention to it all. But I am very fond of the saying, “Notice the good and praise it,” over and over again. (Read more...)
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Step It Up!
by Tyson Russell
A rousing call to action for Ayn Rand's admirers to shed the cowardice they may feel in espousing their respect for Rand's ideas and values. (Read more...)
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J. R. Simplot: a Legendary American Capitalist
by Michael E. Marotta
In 2006 he was estimated to be the 80th richest person in America, with $3.2 billion. He was 16 when he invested his earnings from a winter in the Idaho desert, buying 18000 acres along the Snake River. He went from onion powder to frozen potatoes and helped revolutionize how we eat. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 13, 2006 |
Frederic Bastiat on Self-Interest
by G. Stolyarov II
An intricate and multifaceted understanding of the role of self-interest in economic behavior underpins the economic writings of Claude Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850), a French classical liberal thinker, free-trade activist, and delegate to the French National Assembly. Bastiat saw the self-interest motive as central to human nature but capable of leading to diametrically opposite consequences depending on whether this motive was employed in peaceful production and voluntary exchange or in the plundering of others through crime or through the enshrinement of plunder in the law. Mr. Stolyarov examines Bastiat’s view of self-interest’s dual tendencies and the societies each of them leads to. In free markets where property is secure, self-interest results in prosperity, peace, harmony, and morality. In a redistributive state, however, man is pitted against man in perpetually recurring “legal plunder,” which is reinforced by the self-interest of politicians, special interest groups (rent-seekers), and the plundered classes who wish to enter government and remake the law to make themselves the plunderers. (Read more...)
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Daily Linz 13 - A Salute to Joe Rowlands
by Lindsay Perigo
SOLOists, savour this guy. He is a KASS-NEM par excellence. He will have a place of honour in Objectivist history. He is living proof that the heroes in Ayn Rand’s novels not only can exist, but do exist. (Read more...)
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The Troublemaker
by Michael Stuart Kelly
A review of Perigo! Politically Incorrect by Deborah Coddington (Read more...)
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Charles Givens
by Luke Setzer
The complex world of personal finance can often overwhelm the average person. Mortgages, insurance, taxes, investments, real estate, employment, and business carry with them a host of rules, regulations, and pitfalls that seem designed to transfer wealth from the ignorant to the informed. A variety of magazines and books has offered instructions on how to control expenditures and build personal wealth. Some of the all-time best-selling books on personal finance have come from one man: Charles J. Givens. The story of his rise to fame, fall from grace, and final demise provide lessons for all of us. (Read more...)
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Wednesday September 7, 2005 |
Private Financing Revives an Ancient German Marvel
by Max Schwing
A lot of time has passed since the Hindenburg exploded, a disaster that resulted from an accidental reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Many have concluded that the time for the giants of the sky, the Zeppelin, is long past. They might be right, but there are still places and situations in which the special advantages of the Zeppelin are needed. After a few years of development, the first Zeppelin NT was born. (Read more...)
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Saturday September 3, 2005 |
Price Gouging: A Myth
by Steven Thomas Druckenmiller
Entrepreneurs during the current crisis are heroes, not gougers. (Read more...)
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468 vs. 15,000
by Steven Thomas Druckenmiller
How Western rationality crushed irrational savagery and brought victory in the face of overwhelming odds. (Read more...)
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The Classic Atmosphere of American Business - How It Shaped Me
by Richard D. Engle
The way I feel about business and businessmen is deeply imbued in my being, and because of that, it often serves me without my even knowing it—it simply shows in my business demeanor, practices, courtesies and protocols that I saw demonstrated before I could even read. (Read more...)
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Go Well, Chris Lewis!
by Lindsay Perigo
Whenever he'd been interviewed as a sports star, Chris had been a cut above your stereotypical athlete or any other kind of celebrity. He reeked of individualism. He was serious-minded, high-minded and single-minded to a fault. He was articulate and fierce and proud. He didn't utter the usual sickening bromides about how he owed it all to everyone else. He had, in fact, literally slept on railway benches during his quest for tennis ascendancy. He had, as it turned out, read The Fountainhead as a youngster and been inspired by it for life. (Read more...)
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Marian Bielicki: Making Individuals Under Communism
by Adam Reed
The real beauty of the book's approach was that no one—censor, critic, teacher, student—would have dared point out the book's actual message and the reversal of collectivism and individualism in the plot. To denounce the book for its real message, the censor would have had to identify, as lies, the lies that the Marxist State was built on. And for that, he knew, he would have been killed. (Read more...)
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Dagny Taggart: Exemplar of Independence and Mind-Body Integration
by Edward W. Younkins
Dagny, like Hank Rearden, is a self-initiator who goes by her own judgments and is the motive power of her own happiness. Unlike Rearden, she does not feel guilty for her achievements. Dagny is a purposeful, strong, and passionately creative embodiment of mind-body unity. (Read more...)
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Be Your Own Hero
by Roger E. Bissell
True hero-worship requires not only receptivity and trust in one's hero, but also a healthy level of self-esteem and heroism in oneself. (Read more...)
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Hume, the Analytic and the Declaration of Independence
by Fred Seddon
At first reading, one might think that my title collects together a rather odd trio. What, after all, does Hume and the analytic have to do with the Declaration of Independence? Ayn Rand thought little of Hume and describe his philosophy as the voice of Attila. Peikoff tore into the analytic-synthetic distinction in... (Read more...)
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America's Four Greatest Presidents
by James Kilbourne
Although there may be some truth to the importance of being in the right place at the right time, I believe that it is the greatness of the men that helped make it the right time, and that the greatest presidents have a common theme: the fight for freedom. (Read more...)
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Victor Borge - Music for your Funny Bone.
by Robert Winefield
This is my tribute to the most hilarious, intelligent and gracious gent I have ever had the pleasure to see. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 23, 2005 |
Wal-Mart: A Big Business With a Backbone
by Andrew Bissell
Like many successful businesses, Wal-Mart has come under fierce attack from a mob of politicians and self-appointed “community leaders.” They have tried to shut down the retail giant’s stores and block construction of new ones, using discriminatory ordinances and tax policies. Their grievances against Wal-Mart, though, sound more like praise for its competitive success than indictments for wrongdoing. (Read more...)
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Writers' Report Cards!
by Lindsay Perigo
Did you imagine for a second that the slave-labour status of your literary/polemical efforts on SOLOHQ rendered those efforts immune from ruthless critical scrutiny by The Founder and Slave-Master? You poor, deluded fools! Abandon hope! Prepare to meet thy doom! (Read more...)
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Thursday December 16, 2004 |
Archimedes and the Principle of Derivation
by Adam Reed
This is Archimedes' second, unstated principle: the Principle of Derivation. It is the more important of the two. There are not, after all, a great many situations in which one's life depends on knowing that the buoyant force is exactly equal to the weight of the displaced water. But knowing that behind every regularity of empirical observation is an operation of natural law, identifiable with reason, known with certainty when identified, and deriving its necessity from the nature of reality itself - that is a truly foundational principle of Life Qua Man. (Read more...)
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The "Incredible Evolution"
by Joseph C. Maurone
Rand's use of the word "hero" is an inversion of the traditional meaning, and she has created the prototype of the new hero: the hero who saves the world not by saving the world, but by bettering himself. And if a philosophy is best spread through the popular culture of its time, then Rand has found an ally in the Pixar movie, 'The Incredibles.' (Read more...)
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What Could and Should Have Been
by James Kilbourne
Today, October 7, 2004, marks the 45th anniversary of the death of Mario Lanza at 38 years of age. His legacy is great, but I can't stop myself from thinking what could (and should) have been. ... (Read more...)
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The Legacy of Owain Glyndwr
by Matthew Humphreys
In a recent article here on SOLOHQ, I lamented the state of the Welsh nationalist movement as being largely socialist-dominated. Here I propose that this socialist influence is totally out of keeping with the true heritage of one of the greatest Welsh nationalist heroes, Owain Glyndwr. (Read more...)
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Reason's Evangelist
by Lindsay Perigo
Colonel Ingersoll remains to this day one of American history's best-kept secrets. A crusader for freedom of thought & expression against the widespread Christian authoritarianism of his time, it was said of him that were it not for his anti-religious beliefs, he would assuredly have become President. (Read more...)
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