| | Hey Joe:
I'm reading a book about how meat is produced, and it is sick. I am not sure I am going to eat any more beef becuase, well, because of nasty, dirty, gross things necessary in the production of beef.
For example, the digestive tracks of cow carcasses are removed by hand, and it takes a long time to learn now not spill stomach fluid (what contains harmful bacteria, ie, E Coli) or fecal matter on the rest of the carcass. Even the best most eperienced experts spill about once every two hundred times. It takes a very long time to become proficient, and the bad turnover in the meat production industry almost insures that the person doing this job is not. The turnover rate innsures that the average job in a meat plant typically lasts for about four months. It takes much longer to learn this skill.
Chicken, on the other hand, doesn't have such issues. Chickens can be breed to the be the same size, insuring that chicken production can be done by hand.
This equates to much more contamination, fecal matter in contact with beef, etc. It's really, really gross.
So would you state that it would be rational of me not to want to eat beef becuase, of well, the production practices gross me out? Or do you think it is an irrational idea?