| | It is important to dream. It is also easy to quibble with the technical details here, which, really, are not technical details, but the stuff of dreams. European colonists in America at first attempted to recreate the old world. The English found that their thatched roots were fire hazards in the drier climate of New England. The Spanish tried unsuccessfully to get wool exports from what is today New Mexico. Then, they adapted. So, too, will space colonization be very different from what is imagined in Monart Pon's article. But that is not important now.
Similarly, the economic and political arrangements that make this possible in the first place, and then those which sustain it, will be as different from our imaginings of capitalism as Thomas More's Utopia was from our society. Edward Bellamy's socialist fantasy Looking Backward, Huxley's Brave New World, and, of course, Orwell's 1984, all projected futures that did not happen. That, too, is not so important.