This topic comes up across the media every election cycle, and sometimes more often. I believe that money is speech. I believe that based on the evidence. For over 2000 years, money has been a medium – sometimes the medium – of communication, especially political speech. The German Democratic Republic honored Karl Marx on its 100 DM notes from 1971 until 1990. On the other hand, the privately-owned Clydesdale Bank of Scotland issued a ₤50 note celebrating Adam Smith Money is Speech here The notes of the American colonies in revolt announced “American Congress / We are One” and “Mind Your Business” and “When it is over, then we will rest” (Cessante Vento Conquiescemus) and “Issued in Defence of American Liberty”. The North Carolina $40 note of 1778 honored “Freedom of Speech and Liberty of the Press.” Money as Press and Speech here Good writers address the back of your mind. Lawrence Norden and Daniel Weiner call these people "uber-rich." According to the Urban Dictionary ... the germanism "uber" came into our language in the 1980s via California punk music as a direct play on Deutschland Über Alles. While the Urban Dictionary allows that you can be uber-confused, the subliminal message from Weiner and Norden is that tycoons are unAmerican, perhaps even anti-American crypto-nazis. Slandering the rich pays big dividends. Tycoon Dough is Democratic here