| | Jeanine,
Here is what has been realized by Dr. Peter Duesberg of Berkeley, and Dr. Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his discovery of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (or PCR) Method for easily and quickly copying DNA:
1) HIV isn't always found in people who are diagnosed with AIDS. In fact, in many parts of the world, all you have to have is a major illness, and even if you test HIV negative, they'll still say you have AIDS. So, HIV doesn't cause AIDS.
2) The term AIDS came from when it was changed from GRIDS (or, gay-related immune deficiency syndrome). And the only reason that doctors started calling a certain disease GRIDS was because certain gay men started getting these splotches on their skin, called "Rous's Sarcoma".
But it turns out that these men had been inhaling this stuff called amyl nitrate, and it is highly cancer-causing, and causes the Rous's Sarcoma. When the doctors got them off that stuff, the Rous's disappeared. And the whole GRIDS/AIDS thing should have been regarded as solved and forgotten.
3) Before that happened, however, there were a lot of virologists who were scared that there were no more viruses to battle, and they would be out of jobs. Their leader was this doctor named Robert Gallo. He was desperate to believe that AIDS was caused by a virus. In certain patients' blood, he found a virus. He didn't want to be wrong, so he did a rush job and did bad science, so that he could lie and say he'd found a whole new virus, and called it the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV.
4) At the same time, the dishonest drug companies pulled off their shelves, this crappy drug that they realized years before was even too toxic to use in fighting cancer. It was called AZT. It shut down DNA synthesis, and they told everybody that it would kill the HIV's DNA synthesis process. That was a lie, because it also kills the body's own healthy DNA synthesis process. In other words, your immune system will shut down and you will die from taking AZT. But they can then blame it on "HIV"... and when you take AZT or any other so-called "anti-AIDS drug", THAT is what is causing the AIDS, because you've shut down the immune system and started making people sick.
5) So, people who do not use crappy street drugs and never take the AIDS drugs, but who do have this virus in their body that the doctors have wrongly called HIV, they don't get AIDS and die. They don't get any sicker than normal.
6) People under constant stress, who have poor nutrition, who don't sleep enough, and who use lots of street drugs, their immune systems shut down, they get sick all the time. And under current AIDS criteria that have recently been written, they don't even have to have this virus called HIV in their body to be labeled as having AIDS. They just have to be sick from something.
7) there are many websites that explain all this, and here is a link by Dr. Peter Duesberg: http://www.virusmyth.net/aids/data/pddrdrugaids.htm
8) There is also an amazing book by Christine Maggiore, called What If Everything You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong?. You should read it.