| | Cameron-
Oh, Salud! Salud! I am quite appalled by Msr. Firehammer's abuses of philosophy. (though he has such a ~kewl~ name!) But more importantly, brilliant satire... let's not forget the use of the word "perversion" every three seconds and... a strange... horrified... fascination... with... *anal sex* (stare in horror... long stare... long, deep stare.... ) Not to mentions his lengthy explorations into eternal subjects such as "Why Lindsay Perigo Hates Me"... and does this guy ever do anything except 'fulfill our obligations'. Seneca? Aquinas? Kant? C.S. Lewis? No... it's Ayn Rand... somehow... oh, and the insistence that there only two kinds of sex, the worthless kind, and breeding (sorry for the rude word, most heterosexuals don't deserve it, Regi does; Rand said the same thing in "On Living Death"). It's amazing what an obsessive imagination he has with "what homosexuals do" and what a poor one he has as to how anything not sanctioned by the holy mission could be pleasurable. But I suppose he is busy fulfilling his obligations. Strange, I use more imagination fulfilling mine.
But I would disagree very strongly that the Autonomists resemble the Autons, save in name... the Autons were too quiet.
They are clearly Cybermen:
"You humans have a weakness in your feelings. We are fortunate. We do not possess feelings."
Bonus question for the Whovians here: can anyone think of any recent residents here who might bear a strong resemblance to the Daleks? Hint: their favorite word is hard to forget...
OK, I confess, I'm taking out some revenge here. "Let man be delivered from revenge! That to me is the bridge to the highest hope" - Nietzsche. Yeah, yeah, Friedrich, right. Two words: Lou Salome. Actually, two more: Cosima Wagner. But Freddy, (I paraphrase) "evil is woman's greatest strength."
OK, I'm calling it a night. I've been working on my new 'weapons belt' for work all day. I can carry twice as much gear as my competitors if I carry my first work purse on my waist, plus I have a full toolset for impromptu work. And I just love the gypsyish fantasy adventurer "pouches of spell components" look! And now it looks pretty enough for higher track work... I'm ready to up my markets (once some personal health issues recover). I'm wondering if I can rig it to work as a semi-corset (yes, some sex workers, and 'transsexuals', do use corsets in contemporary times; so do a few women, some kinksters, and a surprising number of men). Still... these things are going to be Hell going through airport security, which are famous for harassing escorts with sex toys "because they can" (airport personnel know how to spot call girls they could spot me at a glance the last time I flew) .
Allright, g'night and smooches to you all. * *
Jeanie Ring ))(*)(( - "not all those who wander are lost"