| | This hits too close to home. I notice that there is a lot of mixed views here, and I have no answers, only my own dilemmas. My brother Matthew, due to hospital negligence, was born with cerebal palsy. The doctors believed he would not live, and when he did, they said there was no hope, that he would be a vegetable. My mother did not accept this, and turned her life around to do all she can for him. She studied, and worked hard, to educate herself on his condition (which seemed to piss off the doctors, apparently they prefer the patients and families to take their pronouncements on faith...). She believed that he could live a healthy life, that the plasticity of the brain would compensate for his damaged areas. The doctors thought their was no chance, my mom refused to give up.
He is now 8 years old. He can neither talk, walk, move. He is fed through a tube. He is prone to pneumonia, ear infection, and will most likely be in this state for as long as he lives. My mom will have to care for him the rest of his life. Yet he does show emotion; he can feel pain, and I have seen him laugh and respond to family members. (He giggles when you rub his head.)
The fact that he is being cared for by my mother is comforting, and it has turned her life around for the better in many respects. But because she was unable to work, she went on welfare to survive while she sued the hospital. 8 years later, the case finally went to trial and the hospital settled for negligence. But during that time, she believed it was the state's responsibility to support her, and she suddenly "found religion." (The irony was that I was Christian growing up, while she was a "heathen," now I am an atheist, and she prays everyday for my brother.)
This was a great source of tension for me, because she talks of welfare and religious charity as a right, and I bite my tongue as an Objectivist leaning thinker. And as much as she cares for Matt, he'll never progress beyond his current state. I think she has accepted this, and his needs will be met by the settlement, as well as her care. I don't know how anyone could look her in the eye and tell her Matt would be better off dead. And I will admit that was my thought when he was born.
There are rational answers, and there are emotional ones. But try telling a parent whose child is in this state that they should die. See the range of emotions in that parents face. I can't fault the Schiavo family for not giving up on their daughter. I can't fault the husband for wanting to end her suffering. I can't accept the claim that society should bear the burden. I can't look my mom in the eye and tell her she is wrong to demand it of society. I don't know the family or the husband, but I can say their dilemma is not easy, and I hope they find some peace of mind. (Edited by Joe Maurone on 3/24, 3:27pm)