| | "His goal was to turn public schools into indoctrination centers to develop a socialized population that could adapt to an egalitarian state operated by an intellectual elite.
Dewey and other members of the Progressive movement wanted a predictable method for providing a common culture and of instilling Americans with democratic values. As a result, by the end of the nineteenth century, a centrally controlled, monopolistic, comprehensive, and bureaucratic public education system was deemed to be essential for America’s future."
Dewey, Another founder of SHAM...
IV. Major Progressivism Programs
A .Education 1. Progressive education--John Dewey led movement that focused on personal growth, not mastery of body of knowledge and learning through experience.
The result: "Until now , we have run our lives on a default setting, manifesting experiences by happenstance rather than intent. Now, with no effort other than paying attention to how we're feeling, the play becomes our own deliberate creation, and the world becomes our oyster."
(Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting, by Lynn Grabhorn.)