
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 1:54amSanction this postReply
This is insightful...

The result, inevitably, is cacophonous and bloody. I believe it is also necessary and desirable. It is part of a liberating and growing process that is vital if Objectivism is indeed to save Western civilisation.

I agree. I think it's a sort of teething thing that eventually finds its own sea level, but that we could be doing it in a more civil way. Too many people walk the plank.

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Post 1

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 6:08amSanction this postReply
This kicked my ass!
I very much enjoyed our interview, however, some things have been brought to my attention which, if true, are disturbing. There are people in New Zealand who claim that you defend Libertarianism, that you attack Miss Rand and Objectivism, and that you believe David Kelley is the best hope for Objectivism. … On the other hand, different acquaintances of yours deny these accusations, and insist that you are a person of integrity. Please tell me which of these is true.
What a package deal!
I come to this site at least once a day. Sure, I really can't stand some of the members of this site. I see a thread going on and on and on and on and I just get numb. Discussions break down and mud get thrown and no one discovers anything new. NITPICK! NITPICK! Some people seem to be trying to release the pent up aggression they have been harboring from the school yard bullying they obviously received as a child.

AAHHHH, Who gives a good goddamn? I still love it. I'm a barrel-chested hellraiser and an egoist. My Ayn Rand studies have been completely for personal enjoyment. I didn't need her to give me direction in life. Her writings serve as inspiration not education! (Rule Of Sipes #4- If it rhymes, it must be true.) Not to say I haven't learned alot but my path would probably the same without her. Selfish egoist bastard that I am, I still like some compatible company and Rand's writings provide that and sometimes so does SOLO! I tried going to other Objectivist sites and couldn't stand the lack of vibrance or party line towing. Talk about Randroids.  
Being some place where you don't have to run into too many pomo jack-offs (sorry, I'm just not comfortable with UK slang) is very enjoyable. I even plan on submitting some articles I have been working on with the express desire of coaxing a good cussing from Perigo. I see many people bash Linz on his style but his passion is contagious and I think very appropriate for this site.

Lack of God bless Perigo for founding this site! 

Bill Sipes

(Edited by Bill Sipes on 10/11, 6:09am)

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Post 2

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 7:45amSanction this postReply
Bill, What are you going to write about? I'll look forward to it.

Thanks for the re-affirmation of your goals, Lindsay. I'm very happy to hear more from you here at SOLO!

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Post 3

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 8:56amSanction this postReply
We acknowledge that Ayn Rand made mistakes; that she didn’t answer every question that can be asked; that she was wrong about some matters of considerable existential moment, such as homosexuality (which matter we have already addressed). But we salute her as an epoch-changing giant—comparable to Aristotle—whose mistakes were of little moment when compared to her unprecedented insights (just as his mistakes were of little moment).
Bingo!  All of us are flawed, but that doesn't stop us from doing great things.  There will always be the nigglers, the quibblers, the perfectionists, and the naysayers who will feast upon the flaws to crap upon the achievements.  These dysfunctional personalties find their way into everything, including Objectivism.  Look at the shower of abuse you've received for a hot temper with nary an acknowledgment from them of this wonderful soapbox you (and Joe and the others) have built from which they launch their abuse.

Fortunately the achievements do endure.  Aristotle is still with us 2,300 years later.  That's because men (heck, even women!) are for the most part rational.  That's why Objectivism will survive the feuding of the nigglers.  These small men will not tear down the achievement of Ayn Rand.  She explicated for us a science of rational knowledge, and because we have the reason to know the truth, many of us over time in our different ways will come to know the truth in her philosophy.  So, Objectivism will endure and will be built upon by those who stand on Miss Rand's shoulders.

Meanwhile, the niggler will continue to be sour and feud because everyone hasn't comprehended Objectivism in the same pure fashion he has.  Unfortunately, he is destined to remain in his miserable lot, because Objectivism is also the creed of the hero, and there are countless ways for each of us to be heroes.  The conformity of thought and action the niggler demands will never be, thank goodness!  He is, in his way, a leveler - the antithesis of Objectivism.  But let him feud with other nigglers over which "level" is the pure one, while we use the lessons of Objectivism to get on with our individual, idiosyncratic, delightfully flawed lives.


Post 4

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 3:29pmSanction this postReply
     On the whole (as in: 99.95%), I agree with your...whole...post. Right on!
Methinks it's pointless to get picayune on the .05%, here.
     Worthwhile subject, and, absolutely worthwhile points.
     Would that Anti-SOLOists would read it...'thoughtfully'...rather than expectedly 'knee-jerkedly.'


Post 5

Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - 6:29pmSanction this postReply
I have a question which is not antagonistic, in that I'm sure there is a reason and I am just nosey.  Why are these Daily Linz posts numbered?  After all, we don't see Machan's Musings 3,465, 832.  I'm just curious in this case, since they are already differentiated by the subject.

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Post 6

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 4:22pmSanction this postReply
Jody asked:

"Why are these Daily Linz posts numbered?"

I really couldn't give a damn why Lindsay numbers his Daily Metamucils, however, this seems like an excellent opportunity to try a little Letterman-esque Top Ten reasons list :-)

1. Lindsay on mission to prove that concept of infinity only applies to number sequences.
2. Numbers 1, 2 & 3 seemed like a good idea at the time but now it's become just another nasty habit.
3. Secretly superstitious Lindsay wondering if anyone will notice when Daily Linz 13 fails to appear.
4. Drooling Beast and Puffing Beast were only half the story - the real danger is Drooling & Puffing Numerist.
5. Number refers to total glasses of wine Lindsay drinks while writing each article.
6. Daily Linz numbers actually a good way to run a very predictable game of Objectivist Bingo.
7. Numbers will stop at 20 due to Lindsay's reliance on fingers & toes during math lessons.
8. Daily Linz 69 will only contain Lindsay's phone number & the best time to call.
9. Keeps level of anticipation high - everyone beginning to speculate over subject of Daily Linz 2,376,982.
10. Daily Linz just masquerading as bible prophecy - The Da Linz-ci Code.


Post 7

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 4:52pmSanction this postReply
Maybe he's been watching Sesame Street?

Post 8

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 5:05pmSanction this postReply
Ross-That was funny and creative as hell, I LMAO.

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Post 9

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - 7:57pmSanction this postReply
Just a word on the macho posturing I've seen some people doing on Solo lately:

> "I'm a barrel-chested hellraiser and an egoist". [Bill S]

Every time I've heard someone brag about how much of an "hellraiser" or a redneck he is, or how he "doesn't take any shit from anybody", how pugnacious he is, how he can match insult for insult, he's been far from an egoist.

A real egoist doesn't have to prove his manhood.

He doesn't have to prove how angry he can be.

He doesn't have to prove he can "dish it out"...

...and he doesn't have to prove he can take it.

> "my path would probably the same without her... I didn't need her to give me direction in life." [Ayn Rand].

A real egoist doesn't have to prove that Rand taught him nothing that changed his course lest he be less "independent".


Post 10

Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 4:28pmSanction this postReply
Ross -- Excellent top ten list! Perhaps you could add "Linz testing Crow Epistemology."

Phil -- I like to say "True pride is not boastful."

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Post 11

Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 5:28pmSanction this postReply
First, to Dean Gores
I'm in the middle of developing a screenplay for a feature that I hope to be shooting next fall. A few of the characters I am developing got me thinking about race relations in the US and in my home town of Memphis,TN.(for those who have never been to Memphis let me say, there are no race relations in Memphis) I'm pulling together some old research I have along with personal observations about historically black political positions and possible origins of such positions. I hope to have a nice SOLO discussion about these topics because a general lack of reason seems to prohibit constructive conversation elsewhere. Could be a while as I am pretty busy with a number of other projects but I look forward to having you as a part of the discussion as I do writing about this topic.

OK Phil,

Lets just go out back and settle this like men! just kidding.

My earlier post was meant to be in support of the high spiritedness or lets say gusto of Lindsay Perigo. It is something that I identify with and enjoy. I would rather he cuss me or a position that I hold to high hell and still feel the spirit of what he writes than have him agree with me and get none of that spirit.
As far as my relationship with Objectivism, I have adored Ayn Rand since I was a teenager. She hit me with writings about self and liberty that mirrored my own but with much more poetry and intellect than I will probably ever be able to communicate. That was very powerful in my life and I feel thankful to have had her contribution.  I do not claim to never have learned from Rand.

   "Her writings serve as inspiration not education!"

Oh wait, maybe I did. My bad! Should have said her writings serve MORE as inspiration than education. Oh well, there I go running my macho mouth. It has been my experience that some people read Ayn Rand and have a conversion experience. Her intellectual authority seduces new disciples in the same way that Karl Marx's collectivists moral authority does. Other people fall in love with a woman who did the same thing for philosophy that Mises did for economics, develop a comprehensive system that is in accord with the immutable laws of nature. People can practice these principles without ever having been exposed to Rand. Reality has been here alot longer than Ayn. My studies were always done with a warm smile, not a wrinkled brow.
I was feeling more gusto than macho when I made my post, now lemme get off of this goddam computer and go chug-a-lug some beers and challenge someone much smaller than me to a fist fight.

Bill Sipes

Post 12

Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 7:51pmSanction this postReply
> My earlier post was meant to be in support of the high spiritedness or lets say gusto of Lindsay Perigo... People can practice these principles without ever having been exposed to Rand. [Bill S]

Ok, I get it now :-)

> Reality has been here alot longer than Ayn.

Damn. Really?????

...I think we can forego the fist fight. :-)

Post 13

Thursday, October 13, 2005 - 9:48pmSanction this postReply
Dammit, Phil, you're just no fun at all. Boring Old Fart!! :-)

Bill, Dean, Andy, John - thanks for the thumbs-up.

Ed Hudgins - that was *very* funny, but I've given the award (see tonight's Daily Linz) to Ross. You'll just have to try harder. But then, I've been telling TOC that for yonks. :-)


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