Ed Hudgins
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Totalitarianism in my local newspaper
A critical view of a recent article (regarding charities) in a local newspaper. (Read the entire blog entry)
(Added by Ed Thompson on 12/06, 9:37pm)
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The Transhumanist Wager by Zoltan Istvan
Zoltan Istvan’s new novel The Transhumanist Wager has been compared to Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. (See, for instance, Giulio Prisco’s review.) But to what extent are the books alike, and in what respects? To be sure, the story and the writing style are gripping, the characters are vivid, and the universe created by Istvan gave me an experience high... (See the whole review)
(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 9/20, 8:28pm)
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