
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Thursday, June 16, 2011 - 10:48amSanction this postReply
A local Buddhist once called me a "Fundamentalist Objectivist" for my unyielding adherence to principle.

I took the label as a compliment.

I appreciate Professor Machan's identification of pragmatism as the common theme and root of Krugman's published material. One has to wonder if we could hoist Krugman on his own petard. Could we smear him as a "Fundamentalist Pragmatist" and call him guilty of the same "foundationalism" and "being an ideologue" with the same glee with which he dishes those same insults?

Post 1

Thursday, June 16, 2011 - 1:21pmSanction this postReply
He will pretend not to care, just as Rorty used to when folks tried this with him. These people are very slippery but also very clever (like the ancient sophists).

Post 2

Friday, June 17, 2011 - 9:06amSanction this postReply

Post 3

Friday, June 17, 2011 - 5:03pmSanction this postReply
Tongue-in-Cheek response

So, the guy is a jerk, but because his obstinance is rationally explainable, he gets some kind (any kind!) of a pass??? I can rationally explain the behavior of a rapist, too, but that doesn't make him even one ounce less guilty! Check out this far-reaching analogy:

State your full name.

Ima P. Ragmatist

Ms. Ragmatist, on the charge of brutally beating others' children when you ran a home day care, how do you plea?

Either not guilty, or "guilty with an explanation."

What is your explanation for willfully causing harm to others' children?

I don't like principled thinking and, to say that it is wrong to physically abuse others' children is an appeal to principles. Nothing is right or wrong according to me -- I just do what I feel like, and when I feel like it.

I'm very sorry, Ms. Ragmatist, for dragging you into the court room today. If I had known that you didn't practice principled thinking, I would have dismissed your case immediately on the grounds that law doesn't apply to you (and you are free to cause harm to others, either directly, or indirectly). On behalf of the justice system, I apologize for the inconvenience.


Just because we can explain Krugman's objectively-harmful* behavior doesn't mean he is any less guilty.


*Any politician citing Krugman in a policy argument up for a vote -- a policy for the government to continue to pillage its productive citizens -- would be a empirical and concrete example of objective harm.

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Post 4

Sunday, June 19, 2011 - 5:46pmSanction this postReply
You only have to take a good look at Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher-Minsky-Koo approach, Gauti B. Eggertsson (NY Fed) Paul Krugman (Princeton) 11/16/2010
especially the figures 1,2,3 for aggregate demand purporting to explain 'the paradox of toil' to realize that Mr. Pragmatism is trying to pull a rabbit out of his political hat.


Look carefully at the shape of his figures for aggregate supply and demand: they have different slopes, which is fine but ... they both have the same sense/sign -- which is total nonsense.

If you wade through the uncalibrated cargo cult science gibberish, what he did was claim a flash-bang 'dynamic event' -- a 'Minsky moment' -- resulted in a dynamic shift of the curves, which is fine. But then he waved his hands and claim that they not only shift, but end up with a new static shape that has both supply and demand having the same sense/sign (ie, both with increasing Q-amount with increasing P-price.)

This is clearly gibberish, but is key to his point ("the paradox of toil.")

It is total nonsense.

He is not a pragmatist. He is a political charlatan.

He calls forever borrow and spend more "Keynesian Theory."

He's an idiot, or else, believes America is.

Keyne's theory had two parts:

1] Save and invest during boom times, pay down past debt.
2] Borrow and spend during bust times.

Not what our government ever did. What we did was:

1] Borrow and spend during boom times.
2] Borrow and spend faster during bust times.

Krugman complains that what we should have done instead was:

2] Borrow and spend even faster during bust times.

Just look at the man. He even looks like he is pulling one over on us.

He is, and it is blatant. That Nov 2010 paper is evidence.

I want to hear a student of economics explain the static shape of his aggregate supply demand curves, even with a hand waving dynamic 'Minsky Moment' upstream.

I am calling bullshit on Krugman. He is busted. That paper busts him.

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