
Rebirth of Reason

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Monday, October 24, 2011 - 9:21pmSanction this postReply
Very well said.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011 - 12:46amSanction this postReply
Perhaps I am wrong but the problem as I see it and the reasons that there is such a disparity of wealth and so much death in the middle east is that the governments that are in power there are nihilsts.

They hate the west because we value the individuals rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The average person there makes barely enough money to feed themselves from day to day never mind even being able to read or write and their governments like it that way.

Their leaders pass off the acts of terrorists to the works of a few "extremists". So who trained them? Who arms them? Who allows the taliban to hide, cross borders and regroup to strike again and again?
Could it possibly be the government of pakistan's isi? Nooo couldn't possibly be them they are our allies!!.... with friends like that who needs enemies?

"We didn't know bin ladin was hiding here honest!"
Flame me all you want but george bush's only mistake was calling for a war on terrorism. When 911 happened that wasn't an act of terrorism that was an act of war and he didn't need the sanction of the UN or the approval of any other nation in order to act accordingly.

It's all nice in theory that we are still over there attempting to make sure the schools are built and their police forces are trained etc but any government that is put in place there even a democratic government is still going to be a nihilist entity unless that government also upholds individual rights.

Everyone's all happy ghadafi got smoked and his corpse isn't even cold yet and they want to implement sharia law!

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