
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 11:39pmSanction this postReply
I agree, I am a Canadian, and as such I have always consoled myself with the knowledge that if things were to get really bad up here ( for example if the new democrat party ever won an election thereby sealing Canada's fate to become a third world nation run by socialists). I could ALWAYS move to the states to live a free lifestyle. With Obama in power this is no longer the case. The U.S.A. under his leadership not only is floundering economically but your rights and freedoms are vanishing at an alarming rate under his leadership. This saddens me greatly watching what I can only describe as what it must have been like to watch the Titanic slowly sink into the ocean.

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Post 1

Monday, October 15, 2012 - 7:33amSanction this postReply

I was hoping a dose of Obama would trigger an immune reaction in the US.

Instead, I think it has exposed the truth; fully half of America is signed up for this nonsense.

We didn't win the Cold War; we caught the Cold.

We're still coughing up phlegm, and it isn't clear at all we will ever recover from this infection. What used to be a largely external conflict has long become an internal conflict.

The election shouldn't be as close as it is, but it is; that is informative.


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Post 2

Monday, October 15, 2012 - 7:42amSanction this postReply
Also, see Durkheim's summary in Religious Formes, when he defines "S"ociety.

Ancient mankind was worshipping the wrong God totem, and had mistakenly worshipped the unseen Magic Spirit in the Sky instead of the unseen Magic Spirit on Earth: The Tribe itself, "S"ociety is the True God. (According to Durkheim and his modern acolytes.)

"Society is not at all the illogical or a-logical, incoherent and fantastic being which has too often been considered. Quite on the contrary, the collective consciousness is the highest form of psychic life, since it is the consciousness of consciousness. Being placed outside of and above individual and local contingencies, it sees things only in their permanent and essential aspects, which it crystallizes into communicable ideas. At the same time that it sees from above, it sees farther; at every moment of time it embraces all known reality; that is why it alone can furnish the minds with the moulds which are applicable to the totality of things and which make it possible to think of them."

Another Carny Huckster Tale: "Why My Fellow Naked Sweaty Apes Must Hand Over Dominion Of Their Lives To Me And A Handful Of My Crony Pinhead Fanatics With Our Nutcake Theories About Authority Safely Over The Horizon That Only We Can Speak For."

See Rawls and his "veil of ignorance" (that only he can pierce) for a more recent variant of same.

Folks of a certain bent, like Obama, love that shit.

Hey, it's a lot easier than Calculus.


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Post 3

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 - 12:59pmSanction this postReply
The sad thing is that the idea is by no means novel--it was there in Plato, Augustine, Hegel, etc. Even Ronald Reagan kept prattling about the American Family!

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Post 4

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - 5:56amSanction this postReply
It is a human syndrome, perhaps(I don't know)influenced by our DNA; our atavistic herd mentality genes, our childish existential terror at what some perceive as a too-harsh universe with hills that are too steep to climb.

Some are driven by their herd-mentality impulses. Standing out from The Herd is how lions get attracted to our part of the herd. We can't survive this universe without The Herd. Our very existence depends on our relationship with The Herd. Individuals and individualism is a threat to The Herd, and so, individuality must be redefined as meaningless surface paint, the variation of allowable whacky stripes in a Herd of identical zebras...

It is The Herd uber alles, 'we are all in this together,' and whatever it takes to weed out all vestiges of emergent individuality, replace it with meaningless individuality is what The Herdists will embrace.

Zebras are free to choose any stripes they want as long as they are black and white.

And through the ages, driven by our atavistic herd mentality genes and childish existential terror at a universe we barely comprehend, that terrified fraction of mankind has repeatedly imagined invisible absolute authority safely over the horizon that only they can accurately channel and speak for--the oldest leg lifting carny huckster trick in the book.

As modernity advanced in spite of that drag, the existential terror has been magnified; finding themselves in a world in which they are increasingly dependent on the impenetrable and incomprehensible calculus of others far away, their existential terror grows at the thought of being left at the bottom of the new hills, and so, they must dream up ever more fantastic arguments to maintain the integrity of The Herd...even if that demands putting some in chains. Their challenge is to hide those chains in a thin veneer of velvet but few are buying it except those wielding the chains.

There are two irreconcilable political wishes: to live chain-free, and to freely chain others. That is exactly politics, modern and ancient. It used to be an external political struggle in America; it is now fully an internal struggle.

This election is a major milestone; it is either the beginning of the end of the infection, or the end of the beginning of the disease.

Obama 'won' the debate last night by comparison with his zombie performance on style points, but he lost the internal polls; the economy, the deficit, and even health care went to Romney. It is as if America is saying "OK, let's give Obama his Participation Ribbon and let's put an adult back in the White House..."

As well, he has now managed to bring focus on the whole Libya kabuke dance: the endless assertions by him and his minions that the cause was some video, including mention of it six times in his UN apology for our 1st Amendment.

The fringe left is spiking the ball after the latest Obama showed up and filled his stuffed shirt for an evening of performing arts; Romney was the same man he was in the last debate, and it is noticeable.

We'll see if enough of America is really that existentially terrified that they will gloss their eyes over and vote for the Charlatan of Hope and Change.

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Post 5

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - 6:15amSanction this postReply
From Machan's article:

According to Marx, " People aren’t individuals but the cells of this organic entity whose development and maturation Marx tried to chronicle in his works."

And by 'development' is meant 'deconstruction and reconstruction,' and by 'maturation' is meant, 'are they ripe for the picking yet?'

Marx: the poster child for existentially terrified child. Where is his acknowledgement of the role of risk in his economic models?

Hitler was also driven by his existential terror, and became one of history's most destructive existential terrorists. (Look at all the references to his childhood hunger in Mein Kampf. It drove him...mad.)

Hitler...Stalin/Marxists. Bloods and Crips, a European turf war among like minded Totalitarians.

America used to fight that shit, not vote for it.

(Edited by Fred Bartlett on 10/17, 6:16am)

Post 6

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - 7:34amSanction this postReply
Well, Americans certainly had a better sense of the country's revolutionary origin and mission until recently but the place also had some serious liabilities, such as slavery and segregation, which aren't easy to live down.

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Post 7

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - 1:15pmSanction this postReply
Slavery and segregation no longer need to be 'lived down' - we ended them, explicitly. That chapter in our history was ended when our nation paid in blood to do what is right.

What are people attempting to gain when they try to bring up past horrors and trot them around while ignoring that they were ended as fully as it is humanly possible to do so, and despite the fact that there is no part of America today that is advocating a return to slavery or segregation? What is their motive?

If there is a link to be seen between the fact that people once had a better sense of our country's origin and mission, and those people who focus on slavery and segregation as if they were still current issues, the link is that they are often the same progressives who have been working to rewrite history in such a way that our country's origin and history are forgotten. It is an argument ad hominem made against our nation's for the purpose of diminishing the greatness of our origins and mission.

Post 8

Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 8:41amSanction this postReply
Howard Zinn did a slick job of this in his screed A People's History of the United States where he basically painted the United States of America as founded by a small cadre of elitist conspirators who wanted to manipulate the masses with good-sounding words like "liberty" that had no meaning. He was wrong, of course, but that did not stop him from gathering a flock of fawning followers. I will never forgive my high school history professors for feeding us Zinn's feces as valid theses.

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Post 9

Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 12:46pmSanction this postReply

I did some quick research on Zinn. He epitomizes the nature and the effectiveness of the progressive movement's use of the educational system to attack capitalism. And he is also an example of the tight set of connections that link the members of the far left together.

From the Wikipedia article on Zinn:
Zinn described himself as "something of an anarchist, something of a socialist. Maybe a democratic socialist", He suggested looking at socialism in its full historical context as a popular, positive idea that got a bad name from its association with Soviet Communism."
In that article, Zinn is quoted as saying, "Socialism basically [says], hey, let's have a kinder, gentler society. Let's share things. Let's have an economic system that produces things not because they're profitable for some corporation, but produces things that people need. People should not be retreating from the word socialism because you have to go beyond capitalism." (More and more I notice the way socialists and progressives eschew real arguments in favor of cliched phrases that have no meaning - like Zinn's "...go beyond capitalism.")

More from the Wikipedia article: "Established by school teachers while he was alive, the Zinn Education Project is Howard Zinn's legacy to middle- and high-school teachers and their students. The nonprofit organization offers classroom teachers free and low-cost teaching activities based on A People's History and like-minded history texts." (About 85,000 lesson plans are distributed per year.) This organization is connected to a wide number of radical teachers sites, like the Teachers for Social Justice out of Chicago - remember Stephanie Hicks and the recent teacher's strike in Chicago?

I spotted a lot of familiar names as I looked through that article. He was friends with Noam Chomsky, and Daniel Berrigan (Like Jane Fonda, Zinn visited Hanoi - went with Berrigan during the Tet Offensive). He associated with the sixties, radical outfit SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee who replaced 'Non-violent' with 'National' when they decided that violence was an acceptable political tool). He published the Pentagon papers copied by Daniel Ellsberg. He received the Eugene V Debs award (named after the Socialist union boss). He studied history at Columbia University under Henry Steele Commager (activist, and far left historian), and under Richard Hofstadter (tenured professor and a member of the Communist Party of the USA - Quote from Hofstadter: ""I hate capitalism and everything that goes with it"). As a side note, Hofstadter employed one of the radical students for a project - a Mike Wallace, who went on to become the Distinguished Professor of American History at the University of New York. Our universities are self-perpetuating in their progressivism. They have been 'breeding' true for far left grad students that become the next generation of teachers whose job is to turn out journalists, writers, pundits, and activists. He was honored with the Thomas Merton Award (recent recipients include such notables as Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, Cindy Sheehan, Angela Davis, and Ron Dellums)

From David Horowitz: "According to one of his pupils, author Alice Walker, Zinn, during the communist takeover of China, once told his class: 'I stand to the left of Mao Zedong.' " ... "Zinn was also a pro-Castro activist and a supporter of such organizations as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Progressive Labor Party, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Black Panther Party. In 1962 he publicly protested America's demand that the Soviet Union withdraw its missiles from Cuba." ... "A People’s History has sold more than a million copies, making it one of the best-selling history books of all time. Despite its lack of footnotes and other scholarly apparatus, it is one of most influential texts in college classrooms today -- not only in history classes, but also in such fields as economics, political science, literature, and women’s studies. Professor Zinn announced the overtly political agenda of A People’s History in an explanatory coda to the 1995 edition: 'I wanted my writing of history and my teaching of history to be a part of social struggle. I wanted to be a part of history and not just a recorder and teacher of history. So that kind of attitude towards history, history itself as a political act, has always informed my writing and my teaching.' ” Zinn is a signature of the 911 Truthers document. He was on the board of MDS (Movement for a Democratic Society - out of Chicago, organized to mentor and support the new SDS) including Bernadine Dohrn, Noam Chomsky, Tom Hayden and Rashid Khalidi (long time friend of Barrack and Michelle and PLO supporter). Bill Ayers has worked with MDS but not as a board member.

Bottom line: Progressivism is America's implementation of England's Fabian Socialism back in the late 1800's and their stated goal to use the colleges and universities to eliminate capitalism and replace it with socialism over a period of many generations instead of a violent revolution. They focused primarily on the history and political science departments but have spread. They hide their agenda, and they have an elite who tend to know each other.

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Post 10

Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 3:14pmSanction this postReply
Now you understand why I speak so harshly about my "gifted" high school at times despite its many benefits. It was definitely a mixed bag. This explains my mixed reviews much to the dismay of my classmates.

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Post 11

Thursday, October 18, 2012 - 5:56pmSanction this postReply

The vector of time from those early flaws is aligned with the improvement of those flaws; that is what is crucial, and also largely ignored. We've moved onward and upward, not backwards and downwards in respect to those fading historical facts from centuries ago.

The historic Obama Administration is the official end of that era. He is getting the last Participation Trophy/Affirmative Action restitution in the barrel. The proof of that is, his awfullness has nothing to do with his race(and more to do with things like his leftwillingness to cling to race as a political factor.) He acts as if Cain wasn't also of his same race. His political defects are not that he shares Cain's race, but that he doesn't share Cain's views.

Cain was lynched by the left ... over nothing of substance. He was lynched because the left was apoplectic at the thought of losing their precious crutch/race card in this election.

They've worn that card out; this was it. It is looking pretty tattered and beaten and out of date; time to retire that one and move on. They've beaten that pony to death, and with it, the nation's spine.

Give the man his Participation Trophy, let him ride safely into the history books and lecture circuit and endless poses around the crabspread at some future Renaissance Weekend TwitFest, and let a capable adult take over the mess.

Sooner the better; 8 years of sprinting backwards is too much to pay for the last Participation Trophy on the books.

Post 12

Friday, October 19, 2012 - 8:28amSanction this postReply
Steve wrote: "They focused primarily on the history and political science departments but have spread. They hide their agenda, and they have an elite who tend to know each other."

They especially spread out into the arts; and it's not so hidden, anymore!

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