
Rebirth of Reason

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Monday, March 4, 2013 - 8:10pmSanction this postReply
Very nice summation.

It is like Mr. Obama is attempting to divide us into tribes: rich/poor, young/old, conservative/liberal, black/white, gay/straight, documented/undocumented, etc. There is some hope for us yet and, ironically, I think it is going to come from the Left. There are indications of "buyer's remorse" among some left-leaning intellectuals. For instance, there is a 3-minute YouTube video from Marilynne Robinson entitled: The Threat of Neo-Tribalism (part of the Big Think series). While never naming names, she mentions how an increase of tribalism in America is being orchestrated (behind the scenes) for political purposes. She does not provide direct evidence, but seems sure of herself, nonetheless.

My sister tells me a relevant story. Her daughter no longer goes to public school. Things were different in America a couple decades ago, but now it has become too dangerous for a child to go to a public school anymore -- at least in Minneapolis. In a school (South High) near her public school (Southwest), there was a violent 200-person riot between Somalis and African-Americans. My nephew (her older brother) had told me about how teachers in the public school were physically segregating students as part of an exercise on "white privilege" a couple years ago. Not reading, writing, math, or a even a skill or a trade -- but "white privilege."

These leftist public teachers, like the current head of the administration of U.S. government, work to feed envy for their own private purposes.


(Edited by Ed Thompson on 3/04, 8:21pm)

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Monday, March 11, 2013 - 2:27amSanction this postReply
Here is a video of Milton Friedman on the Uncommon Knowledge show addressing the upcoming state of the union speech of Bill Clinton. Poor Milt would be rolling in his grave at the present state of the country(and most likely saying "I told you so!!")


Sadly he predicted that a deficit if one should materialize would cause a shrinking in size of government.
Instead we have more and on top of that as you point out people are being herded into groups.

This won't end well..

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