
Rebirth of Reason

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Thursday, May 2, 2013 - 12:33pmSanction this postReply
Excellent article, Joe.

When they say that a poor person is without choices, or that a person has no choice because of the "economic power" of the other party, what they are really saying is that they want to force a new "choice" into existence - to alter reality so that the poor person isn't even inconvenienced by his poverty, to somehow give the employee the "choice" to set their own wage instead of being at the mercy of negotiations based upon worth. They are indeed shaking their fists at reality - specifically that people can't have what they want without regard for reality or logic - not unlike the attitude of a child that throws a tantrum when denied.

Post 1

Sunday, May 5, 2013 - 11:41pmSanction this postReply
Thanks Steve.

In some ways, the language is an attempt to sneak in a conclusion. By talking about someone lacking choice, or being coerced, or having "power" over another, it twists the meaning of the terms, but still relies on the reader to assume the arguments still hold. If an employer is "coercing" you, then he is committing a crime and should be punished. The fact that the conclusion doesn't follow from these premises anymore since the meanings are all distorted is overlooked or evaded.

Post 2

Monday, May 6, 2013 - 12:22amSanction this postReply
In some ways, the language is an attempt to sneak in a conclusion.
True. And I suspect that sometimes it is two layers deep. They want to sneak the conclusion into the mind of their audience, but on a deeper level, it may be an attempt to convince themselves that universe can be reordered by their language - so that people can be freed from the reality of effort and logic and causality. If they can convince others with this sneaky language, then that, in the twisted logic of a social metaphysician, makes it a step closer to being true. It is like many of the political arguments that take the form of a trojan horse. The drive to establish control over others is packed inside of something like environmentalism or some 'social justice' position. The politics becomes about abusing language to achieve control, and an unrelenting sense that without moving towards more control, terrible things will happen. Political positions as emotional defenses. And the pattern of the arguments will often resemble what you described in that article you wrote on Rationalizations. Another give away that neither the premises nor the conclusions are the real end they are being driven by.

Post 3

Monday, May 6, 2013 - 5:07amSanction this postReply
SW observed:

They want to sneak the conclusion into the mind of their audience, but on a deeper level, it may be an attempt to convince themselves that universe can be reordered by their language - so that people can be freed from the reality of effort and logic and causality.

Certainly language, both verbal and nonverbal, alters focus and therefore alters reality perception. Magicians use this all the time to fool audiences. Pickup artists use it to seduce women. Hypnotists use it to induce trances. The entire field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) preoccupies itself with the impact of language on reality perception. Objective sense perception requires a full state of conscious awareness that can prove difficult for some to achieve and maintain when they are unaware even of the notion or have let themselves be tricked into trances by people who know how to cheat invisibly through language manipulation.

Great article, Joe.

Post 4

Sunday, May 12, 2013 - 9:28pmSanction this postReply
One of the reasons I stepped away from NLP was its ability to manipulate everyone around you.

Post 5

Monday, May 13, 2013 - 5:07amSanction this postReply
For what it's worth...Something I read, recently: the author of WATCHMEN and V FOR VENDETTA, Alan Moore, also penned a comic called PROMETHEUS, which was his treatise on magic. His presentation of it basically says that magic is nothing more than language, and points out that the word "grimoire", for example, is just a fancy word for "grammar".

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