Steve, I understand your comparison with Newton, but the issues with F=MA are different. Although 'F' was then only an outcome, it still worked on a highly predictable level, and still does. Ditto with gravity. Philosophically, in terms of epistemology, one might say that using left-siders as outcomes without explaing 'what it really is 'incomplete' . But again, it works, which offers us a strong 'coherentist' argument that overcomes 'foundationalist' shortcomings, Jefferson got it right because he employed standard Enlightenment phrasiology that had been around at least since Locke if you're English, Montaigne if you're French, Spinoza if you're Dutch, Salamanca School if you're Spanush...etc...The Dof I was meant to reflect these values to the extent that England was siad to act inconsistent with the values she espoused. This, precisely was the rhetorical value of the Dof I-- not it's 'discovery' of principles. In any case, I see the Constitution as different. Although you might say that the values of the Enlightenment were imbedded into the text, they're embedded into every other constitutional text, as well. But all constitutions vary in content, yes? Therefore, holding 'enlightenment values' might be necessary, but is hardly sufficient to explain, say, one's opposition to slavery. In this particular, Lincoln was not opposed to slavery on enlightement grounds. Rather, his party as a platform in 1860 wanted to keep in in the south. His argument was that because the institution would devalue free labor, it cannot be permitted into terratories in which the fed govt claimed jurisdiction. hence his rebuttal to Tanney's Dred-Scott. Racism always involves accounts of people being less-than-human, therefore not equally endowed'...ditto with sexism, of course. Enlightennemnt equality only involves those who are a priori deemed 'equal' to begin with. So since there's institutional racism and sexism in the southren states (where I used to live), it would imply that their legislation would naturally follow this course. Hence we have the task of necessary federal intervention by an interpretation of the constitution with which you do not agree--14th Amendment. Re 'Eva': as distinguished from my own Sweet Pickles who tries to read and then signs off on my posts, I do remember some nasty exchanges back in January that involved an 'Eva', to which I gave a follow-up. Then I quit participating because, again, I'm not here for three-stoogery, only for discussion, and I refuse to wade thru the bullshit. So as to who 'Eva' is, I neither care nor have sufficient time to find out. I therefore leave this effort of discovery to those who have nothing of content to offer--stooges, all. But still, I'm a bit vexed as to how the moderator can get bogged down in such 'who he is' nonsense by permitting the aforesaid three stoogery to appear on line. At the same time, I'm in 'moderation' for having written only of content, and having stuck faithfullyto the subjct-line. A friend of mine--who is not a Libertarian like myself--recommended me to this site with the dire warning that 'Objectivites' can get rather personal, rather quickly. That I employ his Atlanta-based protocol was advised, because if you say something 'wrong', they'll try to track you down. So while this email goes to Atlanta, I can be found nestled beachside in Jupiter, Fla. Lastly, a quick thought: perhaps, in order to stop all this investigative nonsense, we should all just post anonymously? WH