
Rebirth of Reason

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Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 4:31amSanction this postReply

Excellent.  And isn't it the very concept of "the public wealth" that must be challenged?    What subset of all wealth does that imply?   Is it the wealth of geographic happenstance, or that portion of wealth that falls from the sky, unabetted?


Such wealth could be, I suppose , msldistributed.   Clean water as rain comes to mind.  A simple solution to that kind of mal distribution is "don't live in a desert unless you are capable of doing so."   An unreasonable public goal would be to provide water at any level needed to support any activity imagined wherever someone stumbled to and decided to call home.


Same with all human behavior including deserts of character and behavior.


But what is "the public wealth?"




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Post 1

Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 12:07pmSanction this postReply

"Public Wealth":


That which my very liberal relative refers to when she says "We got trillions of dollars..."


Then expounds about societal needs and how unconscionable it is to not meet them.

Post 2

Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 5:29pmSanction this postReply

"We got trillions of dollars..."

We?   Lady, do you have a very rich mouse in your pocket?  Because I don't have trillions.  And what I have isn't yours anyway.

Post 3

Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 9:15pmSanction this postReply

Less than zero dollars!  -14 trillion ish?

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Post 4

Monday, May 5, 2014 - 6:41pmSanction this postReply

I think the main problem with Public Choice Theory is the standard and ideal of "the public interest" or "the common good." So too other familiar phrases like "the greater good," "the good of all," "the good of humanity," etc. These are all naturally and inherently collectivist notions and ideals. What is needed is "the individual interest" or "the individual good." Political leaders need to promote this relentlessly. The obvious point here is everyone is an individual. The subtle point is everyone is an individual equally, and possesses equal rights.


It's worth noting that people often invoke "the public interest" as their grand and overarching social/political goal just before perpetrating some horrific injustice or act of tyranny. And just after this depravity, the miscreants and unprincipled evil-doers often claim that "the ends justify the means."


Such is the nature of this dreadful societal ideal. The inevitable result of such false and evil beliefs and lofty goals is internecine competition, civil war, destruction of the brotherhood of man, and a massive breakdown of society.


I think the Sacred Self is "the one true god." Or, at the least, he is potentially a demigod. Thus in any civilized culture or society, the personal comes before the social, and the individual before the collective. Hence the only legitimate socio-economic goal and political ideal is always "the good of the individual," or "the good of the one and only."


In any proper and virtuous world, the group or the collective -- including close relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and coworkers -- necessarily comes second. Or even last, or not at all. This is because the Holy Individual is all. The totality of society and civilization should be bent to his benefit, prosperity, happiness, and triumph. Everyone lives, and experiences life, as an individual. And in this regard it needs to be established that moral individualism or egoism is not anti-social or socially destructive. Only ethical and political policies aimed at "the public interest" are.


However much politicians are subject to self-interested Public Choice Theory in which various special interests are the real motivators and beneficiaries of gov't action, political policies would be far better if we got rid of the collectivist ethical and political ideal of "the public interest/good." 

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Post 5

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 11:44pmSanction this postReply

And this is why Obama hates Rand.  This is why almost all "public servants" hate Rand as well as anyone who has a strong individualist streak.  It exposes the lie to their misbegotten existence.  Notice how the government is trying to go after expats both with threat of confiscation of their assets as well as trying to use guilt?  "How dare they try and keep what they have earned!!" 

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