Merlin: Rand wrote (VoS, Introduction): '"Altruism declares that any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one's own benefit is evil. Thus the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value—and so long as that beneficiary is anybody other than oneself, anything goes."
I think this bars 'secondary or tertiary motivating values not related to others', i.e. values of the actor. While I think this bars 'secondary or tertiary motivating values not related to the others', ie, values of the actor ... only inside of the Church of Altruism. I'm not a member of that Church, and so, did not fully mean to restrict myself to its tenets when I claimed the second half of : "I could be wrong, but I always interpreted Rand's definition of 'altruism' to mean, absolutely, having what others value as the primary motivating value in an action, with the key word being primary. Implying that there might be secondary or tertiary motivating values that were not related to others." A more correct phrasing of what I was thinking was " Implying that, outside of the Church of Altruism, there might be secondary or tertiary motivating values that were not related to others." You are correct; Rand's definition(correctly, I think) of Altruism does not include recognition of those other motivating values not related to others. That is what she meant when she clearly defined her use of the word 'altruism' -- no regard for self at all, complete immolation to the service and values of any other interest but your own. The appearance of any 'self-interest' at all in any action or undertaking immediately undercuts(inside of the Church of Altruism) the ethical basis of the action. This explains, to me, the animosity of the Acolytes of that Church towards even 'win-win' interactions, like trade and commerce. For True Believers of that Religion, interactions must be "lose-win" or they are not ethical actions. In that Church, we are not peers living in freedom; we are servants to anyone -- a nameless 'state' jarringly spoken for by nameable others-- who makes a demand or whim, and when resisting such arbitrary demands is seen as a 'selfish' act, then the making a demand/whim business, if nothing else, is booming. The new serfdom, based on a flawed idea. Chains on the self, literally self-administered. In that church, we are peers only in our servitude to those who whisper in the name of others as they watch the rest of us service their worldview. The ultimate Emperors. And THAT is the horrible abomination running loose, destroying the world, that Rand was targeting to shatter with her defense of Self campaign. Not just Self but sanity. I agree with your observation that Rand's (special) use of the word 'selfish' in the context of a world already long over-run by the other religion has been a kind of hurdle, an impediment. But I think it is a necessary impediment. It is in fact key. It is not an impediment for impediment's sake, to be deliberately controversial as part of some advertising campaign to sell books; it is an impediment because the Church of Altruism has turned man inside out against himself, in reality. That impediment is not imagined or fabricated, that impediment is real, Look at this thread; folks who basically -agree- with each other, turned inside out over definition of the word 'altruism' ... and as bad, what motivations are and are not permitted by others. Screw altruism. With a chainsaw. It is evil. But then again, screw all non symmetric, non peer based instances of association other than free association. regards, Fred