| | MEM: "I predict that President Obama will be a one-term wonder and America will move back toward free enterprise in 2012. It is easy to see." SW: I keep learning, again and again, how easy it is to be wrong on economic and political predictions. FDR certainly wasn't a one term president.
Everything you said after that supports my thesis. In 1932-1945, we did not have the huge reservoir of ideology and commitment that we do today. As you note, "Atlas Shrugged has been selling hundreds of thousands of copies per year." This has been going on for over 50 years. Millions of copies out there -- as also millions of Bibles and Books of Mormon and Dianetic ... Christians have been pointing to their millennial "end of days" predictions, of course, so, they, too, can show millions of people waking up to their revelations. We like to think that our ideas actually work, of course. So, now we will see.
As reality is not to be cheated, the economic directives from Washington will not (cannot) work. This time, however, there will be cogent identifications of their failures and a receptive audience. Moreover, in Roosevelt's day, it mattered what "everyone" did. This time, it is a matter of individuals acting on their own, and their actions being socially additive.
As to the sightings on Townhall.com, well, ... it is more likely to be full of columns ranting about gay marriage or stem cell research. And you hang out there? How do they respond to your advice that they get in touch with their feelings?
But it isn't just Townhall.com. It is the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, the recent Conservative conference in Colorado, Rush Limbaugh, congressman being quoted, etc.
I don't know about the conservatives; they come to us for the gold, basically, and our disdain for their enemies on the left. Short of that, if liberals are intellectual lightweights, then conservatives are intellectual deadweights. I do agree, though, that the "sightings" in the WSJ and NYT the local newspapers and myriad blogs and so on are indicative of a general awareness -- not so much that "Ayn Rand was right" but that we exist. It is evidence that what we do is consequential. ... whichg brings us back to the top.