
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011 - 6:47pmSanction this postReply
I got a copy. Neither awesome nor terrible, simple an illustrated biography (though the art is somewhat cool, and it's probably the only time you'll see Isabel Paterson in comic book form.)

I keep it around to frighten the locals*...

*I work at a health insurance company that supports the individual mandate...!

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Saturday, July 2, 2011 - 9:19amSanction this postReply
I bought two.  When I went downtown to Vault of Midnight, they were sold out, so I prepaid for these.  One copy will go in with my five copies of the New Individualist with Angelina Jolie and the crowd on the cover, and some other Objectivist collectibles.

I am not a big comic guy.   When I was at Vault of Midnight, I toured the store twice, but did not find anything else to buy.  So, I may not be the best judge, here. but I recommend this highly to any Objectivist who has a library.   My other copy of this comic will go next to Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life.  The art is good, compelling, clear and appropriate. The writing is correct.  The writer does inject into the mind-bubbles some thoughts that are out of context, modern, not in the times.  (In one panel, Ayn Rand thinks that HCUA is "a bunch of losers" which is anachronistic.  There are a few others.)  But overall, I value this more than my collection of Flash anthologies.


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