| | Teresa,
I react the same way... feeling disgusted or irritated.
It is the social conservatives, the religious right, that is trying to take over and own the Tea Party which has only been about small government, spending no more than you take in, and living within the constitution. Libertarians and Objectivists have just collaborated because of the existing overlap - the total agreement in those goals.
These people would walk all over their grandmothers like she was a door mat if it would let them force through laws on gays, prayer or abortion. If the left were the friendlier of the two to religion, social conservatives would become social progressives in a flash - whatever would let them move a step closer to at least a partial theocracy. They talk about secular societies lack of tolerance for religion, but they have no tolerance for any deviation from their view of a nation of evangelical Christianity. ---------------------------
Here is one of the comments following that blog post (with my comments interspersed - inside brackets):
"You can indeed behave morally without subscribing to any religion. Absolutely." [True]
"The Ten Commandments did not invent morality, any more than a physics book invents the speed of light. Both merely describe what already exists." [True, to a degree]
"We find condemnations of murder, lying, stealing and adultery in the Bible before the Ten Commandments were pronounced. The Ten Commandments are a distillation of moral concepts already long held." [What? 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' That was part of morality before it was made a commandment? What about, 'Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth'?]
"But, in the absence of some external basis for morality, it is meaningless to claim that your concept of morality is binding on anyone else. So you can behave morally in the sense of following common moral precepts, but you have no basis for calling it “morality” or claiming anyone else is obliged to take it seriously. It’s what you prefer to do, nothing more. And if you invoke societal standards, then you’re merely substituting group preferences for individual ones. No doubt, if the Nazis had won World War II, we’d have a very different set of societal standards. In the absence of any objective external standard, their morality would be just as valid as ours." [So, they have been inscribed on stone tablets and carried down Mount Sinai by Moses or they have no "external basis"? If it isn't in the bible, then it is no more valid than whatever the Nazis lived by! Note the word "binding" in the first sentence. In their minds their morality has this special "basis" and because of that they get to make it "binding" on everyone else. That is the heart of their arguments.]
"There’s objective reality and solipsism, and it doesn’t matter what rhetoric you use to support your solipsism. If it doesn’t have a basis outside yourself, it’s merely solipsism."
For people like this, they are right that Rand was their enemy.