| | Ted,
Reagan quotes would have a greater chance of stirring up the "emotional revulsion so common -- perhaps universal -- to the socialist mindset" which was in my plans to subvert.
As per the missing Paterson quotes, well ... my bad. I'll take my knocks for that one. And if, as you say, these 2-line quotes show up in discussion as "too cerebral" -- then careful, concrete examples should make the quoted point clear.
Take the Howe quote:
========= There is always the type of man who says he loves his fellow men, and expects to make a living at it. =========
... and then show our mutual friend, Charles Rangel, expecting to simply be handed "a living" for loving us. Or, take the Heinlein quote:
========= Goodness, without wisdom, always accomplishes evil. =========
... and create a picture in the socialist's mind's-eye about a man in a train station trying to reach for a blurry object. Then introduce an altruist helping the man reach the object. Then show the object being a bomb he's trying to detonate.
Similar examples abound.