| | With great aplomb, Luke Setzer wrote: Meanwhile, here at SOLO, my skepticism of excessive indulgence in the passions has earned me the nickname "Lord Buzzkiller."
Actually, I confess to not following your career on SOLO. I just saw all the "people skills" books and the SOLO socializing. I am sure that this seemed like a bolt out of the blue, but inside my head, it was simmering since November 2004. I hesitated to say anything at first and that is the reason why I waited for it for appear to me as a pattern. I congratulate you on speaking up on the excessive indulgence of passions. That path leads to Dionsysianism and I mark you as being, like me, an Apollonian. I would not even now attempt to enter a contrarian post on that topic. Setzer: I need the human relations texts to be a good friend and spouse and sibling.
Well, that is almost good to know. I thought it was natural that you liked getting along with people and you want to do it better. It does raise the other question, of course. I mean, how can anyone trust you when you are not really being nice, but just practicing stuff you learned in a book? That is one reason why I gave it up. It only works so well. They see through it, you know. You cannot fool them. They know you are not like that. The rights words at the right time can avoid a conflict even establish a positive relationship. Longterm relationships require longterm commitments. All I ever got from those books was the ability to act sincere when I have to. But maybe that's just me... MM: I am not rude ... LS: Are you sure about that? Well, obviously, there is the current situation. If we were in the flesh, it would never come up. SOLO, however, is a forum for polemics, self-aggrandizement, enlightening the benighted, crushing evil and lifting the spirit of man to the stars. If we were at a symposium, Luke, my objection would be stated as, "So, Luke, you like those books, eh?" and my tone of voice might carry doubt and even challenge and I might say them while reaching for a grape. Here, however, the total lack of non-verbal communication makes all of that impossible.
Mike Erickson wrote: " By the novel’s end, however, Keating is a weak and alcoholic nobody ..." ?? I don't think you intended to insult Luke as much as it appears that you did.
I was thinking more of the clothes-horse Peter Keating, the successful socializer who told Roark that if a client asked him if he played tennis, instead of saying, No, he would swear he did and then learn how -- and do it well. I was thinking of the fact that Luke went from being a fundamentalist Christian to being a fundamentalist Objectivist.
Lindsay Perigo wrote: The idea that he's a Peter Keating is so preposterous I'm wondering if Michael was just trying to be funny. In fact, were it not for his teetotallism, I would unhesitatingly pronounce Luke a Roark.
You just cannot help liking him, can you? Admittedly, he does not agree with you on everything, yet, you like him. You would pronounce him Howard Roark. Ummm.... but Roark was expelled and fired and stole a client, and raped a woman and, well, you know the story. We know the missing "Vera Dunning" chapters. I do not expect that we will ever see the missing "Dale Carnegie" chapters where Roark acquires the salesmanship to effectively convince people to meet him halfway on his agenda. Howard Roark laughed pleasantly and said, "Ellsworth, I agree with you that the statue of Dominque looks like it belongs in a whorehouse rather than a church and that is the reason why it would be good for your career as a community leader to look at this from a win-win perspective." Just for the record, Post 1 in this thread was sanctioned with one "5 Atlas Points," meaning -- if I understand this -- that someone with four Atlases clicked the check. I was very proud of my first Atlas. The second floored me. The third took some work. To have four Atlases, you must one of the True Elite. There is lot more to SOLO than meets the eye -- and a lot of SOLO never meets the eye. I don't know anything about Luke's trigrams. I never read the Teetotaling essay before now. (I agree with it. One drink makes one drunk.) I have inferential evidence that there are many individuals of sanctioned status on SOLO who assert and suggest a wide range of discrete truths, not all of which can be integrated into an officially sanctioned SOLO canon, even as most of those truths do, indeed, derive from the fundamentals of Objectivism and affirm a positive sense of life.