| | Our Fifth Greatest President
I have acquired this book and am reading snippets in between other reading. I cannot express how wonderful a resource this is. For example, back at the time of the bombing of Saddam's Osirak facility, we learn that Prime Minister Begin (God Bless him) acted unilaterally in the attack. At the time, it was widely rumoured that the attack had been made with the assent of America, and this impression in the press was never denied.
But Reagan was actually not informed, and was annoyed at Begin, and writes that he would rather have applied pressure on Saddam in concert with France. (I assume at some point Reagan will write about his changed opinion of France - Spring of 1986, if not before.) But although Reagan was annoyed, he did not deny any foreknowledge in public since he did not want to weaken Israel's standing in Arab eyes, which he thought might invite an Arab attack in response. This was a calm, wise, and measured response. In return, Begin advised Reagan that the Israelis had to act, since the plant was just about to go "hot" and that taking it out later would have meant spewing radiation across Baghdad.
I did not think it would be possible for Reagan's estimation in my eyes to go any higher. Perhaps other parts of the book will disappoint. But this book is a must read for any thinking American.
Ted Keer