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Schieder v. Stolyarov: An Abortion Debate

Manfred F. Schieder and G. Stolyarov II

A Journal for Western Man-- Issue XXV-- August 13, 2004


(This is an example of an extremely civil debate characteristic of the rational argumentator archetype. I present this as a model for the methodology and spirit which I embrace, as opposed to the spirit of the fanatic, snickerer, and emotionalist, which I wholly seek to save Objectivism from.)


Vienna, August 9, 2004

Dear Mr. Stolyarov:

I hate having to take up a discussion with another Objectivist, but your article “An Objectivist Condemnation of Abortion” obliges me to do so as it contains a series of contradictions (with the main premises of Objectivism) and maintains a total silence on special cases which even involve a moral obligation for abortion.

Let’s first get rid of the obvious detail that, when we speak about the right to abortion or even a standpoint against abortion, we must only take into consideration those places and societies where free decisions are taken within the area of the individual. This includes also those societies where such free decisions are strictly related to a few issues (I am sure that you will agree that the American type of society or, in general, those of the so-called Western type are places where personal liberties constitute their main characteristic. Austria, in spite of being heavily socialized, is still and also such a place).

China, however, is a dictatorship and cannot, thus, be taken as a point of reference since all and everything there is mandatory and no personal liberty exists (not even the economic side of life since what happens there now is nothing else but using the productive power of the West for China’s future territorial expansion… of which Taiwan is a case in point with others to follow). But let’s not involve this matter with the point under discussion here. In one sentence: Individuals have NO right for ANY personal decision in China and, hence, abortion or non-abortion cannot be taken as any “argument” in this case.

Significantly, your article does not mention anywhere the obvious cases of women expecting dysfunctional babies such as Mongoloids, morons, venereal diseased, Siamese twins and even those who, due to a chemical blood incompatibility between mother and child, must be aborted to avoid the risk of the childbearing mother’s death. Your article does not even consider that a mother has a right to abortion in these unfortunate cases.

Though in the last paragraph I have included a very specific case justifying abortion, I am also missing in your article any reference to women who have been pressed into childbearing by having been raped. Following the “reasons” given in your article, such women must accept a child whose father is a criminal!

Where does individual decision taking come up in any of the cases mentioned? Isn’t personal liberty a main rule in the Objectivist philosophy? Doesn’t a prohibition to abort go directly against the Objectivist social axiom that “nobody has a right to initiate an act of violence against another person or persons”? Hasn’t such an act been committed against the woman raped? Further on, should the woman die due to the attack suffered I would directly apply my own subsequent rule for the Objectivist axiom, i.e. that “the death penalty for willful murder is the time delayed execution of the self defense by the representatives of the victim (or victims) who, due to the circumstances existing at the time of the act of violence, were unable to defend themselves personally from the murderous assault.”

Your article lists the premises of the Objectivist philosophy: reality, reason, rights and the type of society where such rights can be carried out.

How are these principles involved with abortion… or anti-abortion for that matter? Here reality and rationality relate pinpointedly with rights.

Rights exist only within the context of a society based on individual liberty. This is also and very precisely the reason why the Chinese example you presented is totally out of place. Rights do not exist under any type of dictatorship. In such a society human beings cannot even be considered as such since they are held at the level of irrational living things (like apples or cows, for example).

Rights are only part of a society where freedom of action can be exercised, As Ayn Rand stated: “A ‘right’ is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action in a social context.” Now, a man’s freedom of action involves his rationality (thinking) as applied to taking an action. Is there no limit to this action taking? Of course there is, as mentioned a few paragraphs earlier (i. e. Nobody has a right to…, etc.)

And to what pertains any such action? Decisively to a rational existence. Anything that lacks the capacity to think (such as inanimate matter and rationality lacking living things and beings such as apples, cows and everything unborn – Observe that Objectivism does not equalize consciousness with rationality… which makes the difference between higher organisms and man) also lacks a “right to rights”. Where does this leave human beings living under a dictatorship? Here we apply a particular instance of man’s kindness towards another human being born but whose rational faculty is either blocked (due to any kind of dysfunction such as a genetic defect, etc.) or politically impeded (as happens to human beings living under a dictatorship).

In the first case dysfunctional beings are subject to our feelings of pity and kindness and their parents will to support them (even against all rational considerations, such as the problem produced by their survival after their parents death). In the second case we know that prisoners of dictatorships are slaves. They possess the faculty of rationality but lack either or both the will and the means to liberate themselves. A free country can come to their rescue but that depends on what the self-interest of their inhabitants determines. This part has been considered at length by Ayn Rand in her essay “Collectivized ‘Rights’“. And it is precisely this same self-interest that is involved with the “right to abortion”.

Man’s self-interests can be served only by a non-sacrificial relationship with others, pointed out Ayn Rand (“The Objectivist Ethics”*). So the relationship with others (and the fetus is an unborn other) must be non-sacrificial. Both the term “sacrifice” and its meaning takes up a very large part in Rand’s line of thinking. As a matter of fact, it is one of the main targets of Objectivism as well as one of reasons why Objectivism is always subject to such vicious attacks. Sacrifice has always been considered as a positive goal and deed of both religious and political “morals”. It was Ayn Rand who pointed out that it involves a loss instead of a gain for the human being. It is also one of the points that turn Objectivism into the extraordinary set of ideas that conform the Objectivist philosophy into a massive totality with no strings left hanging loose or unanswered as it happens with every other philosophy which, precisely due to this, do not deserve to be called such. Even an enemy of Objectivism (Robbins) considered that there is no need to speak of an Objectivist philosophy since only this one deserves the right to be named thus as it is completely and consistently based on reason. In consequence, “Philosophy” suffices, since “Objectivist” philosophy involves a redundancy.

But back to the main theme. Concern for the welfare of those one loves is a rational part of one’s selfish interests (“The Ethics of Emergencies”) and “sacrifice is the surrender of a value” (John Galt). To give birth to a being which would only mean anguish for the mother, due to poverty, for example, is truly a sacrifice and no benefit at all. I was born in Latin America and can, thus, tell you that childbearing is a major disaster for those living as paupers – paupers who are even denied, for religious reasons, the right to learn the anti-conceptive methods!). Here we must particularly take into consideration that an unborn has no rights. Only a living, rational being has rights (the conditions for it were named earlier).

Rights pertain only to an actual being. A child cannot acquire any rights until it has been born and becomes a rational being (Rand “On living death”). Until then it is dependent of its parents who, as Nathaniel Branden very aptly determined in his article “What are the respective obligations of parents to children, and children to parents?” (The Objectivist Newsletter, December 1962). The living take precedence over the not-yet living (or the unborn). Abortion is a moral right – which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved (Ayn Rand).

The reason why abortions are NOT to be performed after the first five months of pregnancy involve the right of the mother to her life and not any “right” whatsoever of the child (Abortion after that period involves a life-taking peril for the mother to be, but abortion must even in this case be taken into consideration should a chemical incompatibility become involved, as mentioned earlier).

If a woman decides to bear the unwanted child it is to be on her own responsibility. In a rational society she will be clearly informed and taught what responsibilities she will have to take up and what she must do from there on to honor them. If she doesn’t want to abort it will be her own rational decision and nobody has a right to stop her from proceeding. Should the conception in its course result in a dysfunctional living being she must be warned about this possibility. Here in Austria the pregnant has a full right to decide.

What I have said above also clears the position of abortionists and anti-abortionists. Anti-abortionists may use whatever arguments they consider suitable to convince pregnant women to carry on their conception, even financially supporting the childbirth, but must be persecuted as criminals whenever they attack abortion clinics (as happens in the United States, where the juridical system must act against such criminals… though they often do not). Abortionists must follow the same rule: they can supply their arguments and apply and even financially support abortion (for example, through laws allowing abortion) but must be refrained from obligatory abortion, as this would immediately turn the country itself into a slave-pen such as China is.

I am sorry to say that I consider your position against abortion to not be related with the rational line of thinking of Objectivism.

I would welcome your reply.

In the meantime I remain, with best regards,

Manfred F. Schieder (Manfred.Schieder@gmx.at)

* Just as a by-note: I translated the book “The Virtue of Selfishness” (which contains "The Objectivist Ethics") into Spanish in 1985 while still living in Argentina and published it, with the assistance of my own and several Objectivist friends’ financial support, thus turning this translation into the first foreign language edition of one of Ayn Rand’s non-fiction writings. In the meantime the Objectivist movement has become a very strong group of intellectuals in Argentina where a foundation (Fundación Atlas www.atlas.org.ar) promotes Ayn Rand ideas – which I introduced in Argentina in 1981 – and a publishing house produced a de luxe edition of the Spanish version of “Atlas Shrugged” (20,000 copies sold during the first month after publication) in addition to a notebook celebrating 2005 as “The Ayn Rand Year” (www.gritosagrado.com).




Chicago, August 10, 2004

Dear Mr. Schieder:


Thank you for your response. I can see that you are an articulate, productive, and sincere Objectivist, and I will endeavor to respond to your letter in a detailed and civil fashion. 


On the rape issue: One of the fundamental tenets of Objectivism in regard to initiation of retaliatory force is that it is to be initiated only against those directly responsible for it. The guilty party here is the rapist, not the fetus, and the law might legitimately grant its consent to terminate the rapist (as rape is a most abominable crime), yet not an innocent child, even if the latter's dependence on the mother were a direct outcome of the rape.

Let me present a parallel. Pretend that two mutually unfriendly people are neighbors living in the same apartment building in Britain during Hitler's bombing raids in 1940. A bomb explodes upon the building so as to cause all possible exits to cave in while destroying the wall that separates the neighbors. They are, in effect, forced to share the same living space and work alongside each other in an attempt to tunnel themselves out despite (in this scenario) a mutual dislike. Does this, then, justify one of the killing the other because of the inconvenience thereby caused, despite the fact that neither one of them had caused it, or would it not instead be justice to demand, upon reaching freedom, that the Nazi air marshal who had commanded the raid to occur be tried as a war criminal? (I know this is an immensely unlikely scenario, but so is rape, and both are possible. And the circumstances here are comparable to those of a pregnancy by rape.)


On the life endangerment issue: No individual is obliged to sacrifice his/her life to save the life of another. Thus, when it can be medically proved that the life of the mother is in fact substantially endangered by a pregnancy (what constitutes “substantial endangerment” is a matter for medical science to define via conclusions drawn from empirical observation), then an abortion can be undertaken as a last resort. Please note that this is the only situation in which I would advocate legal abortion, and it is not a typical situation. Rather, it is an emergency, occurrences of which sort are addressed by Ayn Rand in the essay, “The Ethics of Emergencies,” in The Virtue of Selfishness. Rand writes that emergencies are exceptions to the rule, and are not the normal state of human existence, or of ethical human relations. To say that some extreme action may be permissible in an emergency is not to extend that permissibility to the realm of normal human existence as addressed by the fundamentals of ethics. So, simply because an abortion might be justified as a last resort in some very unusual circumstances, this does not at all justify the general legalization of abortion, especially given the fact that the majority of abortions occur simply because a woman had undertaken indiscriminate sexual relations (themselves morally condemnable) and does not wish to incur the objective consequences of such acts.


On the issue of deformed children: You wrote: “Significantly, your article does not mention anywhere the obvious cases of women expecting dysfunctional babies such as Mongoloids, morons, venereal diseased, Siamese twins…”


There is nothing that justifies the deprivation of life from paralyzed, disabled, or abnormal children, or even futuristically certain children. No matter how fysically deficient a human being is (yes, the spelling is deliberate; if, as a tangent, you are interested in the reasoning behind it, please see An Objective Filosofy of Linguistics), that individual’s humanity, i.e. rational capacity, can never be can never be considered forfeit. Even the most severely mentally handicapped individual is still capable of purposeful communication in accordance with his individual reasoning. No matter how unfortunately deprived of normal human fysical and mental resources, the fact of his mind possessing the capacity to reason and the capacity to choose is undeniable. Rights derive from these fundamental human capacities, and are independent of the particular intellectual prowess of a given individual, as this varies greatly even among “healthy” individuals; rather, rights are based on the fact that some intellectual prowess exists in any and all human beings, which is lacked by all non-human entities. Thus, in the realm of rights, whatever reasoning applies to the unborn healthy fetuses must equally apply to the unborn deformed ones. 


As for your “rights pertain only to an actual being” argument, it is the same argument that my article refutes. This argument, as initially stated by Rand, and repeated many times over by other Objectivist thinkers, rests on the faulty premise that “actual” and “potential” states are the only ones that an entity can have. My article suggests that a third state, “futuristic certainty,” exists, which is fundamentally far more akin to actuality than potentiality. According to my argument futuristically certain fetuses, by the mere fact that they cannot presently use their reason, cannot be deprived of life, just as a sleeping man cannot be deprived of life, simply because he cannot presently use his reason. One of the mistakes many Objectivists tend to make is to fix their evaluation of an entity’s nature on solely the present state of that entity, and thus ignore the inexorable dynamic that affects certain entities and must certainly figure into our analyses of such entities. I address this subject further in The Fundamentals of Stolyarovian Continuum Theory: the pro-abortion Objectivist implies that fetuses and children exist on a static continuum, while they in fact exist on a dynamic futuristic certainty continuum.


Even if one were to embrace the potential-actual dichotomy, drawing the line between beings “eligible for abortion” and beings not so “eligible” at birth is quite arbitrary. Fetuses display immense fysical activity in the womb in the immediate months prior to birth, and there is no reason to assume that they do not already have the rudiments of a rational capacity and volitional consciousness. It is, rather, far more absurd to assume that a fetus emerges from the womb and then—Abracadabra!—he is able to choose and think. Rather, the acquisition of the capacity for choice and thought is a gradual process, and it is impossible to draw the line anywhere except where such a process has its first beginnings, i.e., at conception, provided that the fetus is sustained in an environment conducive to its further development, as the womb naturally is.


On the other hand, the acknowledgment of futuristic certainty offers no such problems; an individual’s unique genetic code is formed at conception. This genetic code guarantees that this individual will be a being of volitional consciousness absent accidents of nature (which are irrelevant to metafysical or filosofical considerations in general) or human intervention. As I state in my article on Continuum Theory, the underlying humanity of such a being is already present, even though the particulars of this humanity will change. Please keep in mind, however, that it is based on underlying characteristics (presence on a futuristic certainty continuum) that rights are afforded, independent of particular characteristics (position on a futuristic certainty continuum).


Filosofy must evolve to accommodate corrections to logical errors and deficiencies, which are possible even in the thinking of the greatest of individuals (and no doubt Ayn Rand could be classified as such). Mainstream Objectivist advocacy for abortion is caused by a far more fundamental error, or rather, omission, in the realm of metafysics. Objectivism prior to my writings had not explored the properties of continua or debunked the potential-actual dichotomy, but, hopefully, with new metafysical discoveries in this area, new ethical implications shall be recognized as well.


I am

G. Stolyarov II

Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator
Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store
Author, Eden against the Colossus



Vienna, August 12, 2004


Dear Mr. Stolyarov:


Thank you very much for your fast reply to my e-mail of August 10. In the meantime I have read a series of your articles in your extraordinarily well realized webpage that contains a wealth of most important and fundamental treatments of the themes there presented, though inevitably I have to disagree with some. But this is not part of the present message and I will come back to it later..


I have also read your “Stolyarovian Continuum Theory”, “Obstruction by Periferals” as well as Dr. Parker’s comments and other pages available on the subject. However, here I will refer basically to your reply, above mentioned articles and what Ayn Rand wrote about the right to abortion.

1)     I consider Ms. Kanabe and Dr. Parker's standing totally rational, correct and completely in accordance with Rand’s rational deductions on the matter. Should you have a possibility to send them my congratulations please do so… in spite of you and I standing on opposite sides.

2)     In relation with your standpoint of considering that the abortion issue is “immensely” periferal in Rand’s thoughts I must correct you. The fact is that Ayn Rand wrote at length about abortion and made it very clear that it is a main component of the application of the filosofy of Objectivism. She did not only consider the matter in “Censorship: Local and Express”. Allow me to list the many writings by Ayn Rand which specifically refer to pro-abortion in relation with the fundamentals of Objectivism:

1) “On living death” (July 29, 1968) – Here she deals in depth with the issue.

2) “A Suggestion” (The Objectivist, February 1969) on how to proceed in favor of an abortion law.

3) “A last Survey – Part 1” (The Ayn Rand Letter, Vol. IV No. 2 – November-December 1975). I quote:
Never mind the vicious nonsense of claiming 
     that an embryo has a "right to life." A piece of protoplasm has no rights—and no life in the human sense of the term. One may argue about the
     later stages of a pregnancy, but the essential issue concerns only the first three months. To equate a potential with an actual, is vicious; to
     advocate the sacrifice of the latter to the former, is unspeakable.”

4) Letter to John E. Marshall rejecting an invitation to a TV-series dealing with “Cultural Conservatism” (October 18, 1980). She states there: “Their (the
    Conservatives) anti-abortion stand is outrageous - and so is their mixture of politics with religion.”

5) “The Age of Mediocrity” (The Objectivist Forum, Vo. 2 No. 3, June 1981)

6) “The Sanction of the Victim” (The Voice of Reason, November 21, 1981)

I think that the above suffices to prove the importance that the issue has within the context of Objectivism and why Ayn Rand dedicated so much time and not just “a single paragraf” to the subject.

3)     Your “Continuum Theory” must be considered totally out of context and truly un-Objectivistic because it proposes to equalize actual with potential, a position totally opposed by Ayn Rand as you can see from above quotation.

By  By the way, you mention a rational human being as a potential inherent in an embryo: Why stop there? Why not proceed directly to the point when, after having lived its lifespan the human being dies and turns into inert matter? The potential future of the sun is a Red Giant which will engulf and destroy our planetary system. Should we not start to worry about such a future instead of enjoying the warm caress of the sun while lying on a beach?

4)     From your reply:

a) On the rape issue: Here you have made a little mix-up. While your parallel is correct when stating that it is the war criminal who must be eliminated (in the last analysis Hitler himself) the emergency resulting from the bombing does not involve enmity of the bombed out family against the neighbors but a situation involving both who have now to face the same consequences of getting out alive. The “embryo” of the emergency is, in this case, the bomb but this one destroyed itself. Since a human embryo cannot destroy itself the decision must be left to the mother.

Let me change your example a little bit and make it a more likely scenario and see who has to take the decision then: a bomb (the embryo) has been planted by a terrorist into a building. Being a “slow-goer” it will explode sometime during the coming 9 months but cannot be touched any more after the 5th month (due to corrosion of the fuse) without much damage to the building and its inhabitants. So the dwellers will immediately go to the “bomb-squad” (doctor) who will render the bomb harmless (abort it) and, thus, save the residents from unwanted damages.

     Here’s another case in point: a virus, shrouded in its protein carcass, comes along and bores itself into a cell to, again, cause havoc. The patient (a lady) goes to the doctor and receives a treatment which helps her immune system to fight the virus. This system, of course, specifically does not destroy the (sperm)carrier (the protein carcass) but saves the lady from many later (potential) problems.

b) On all further issues: Abortion is always an emergency matter and must, thus, be treated as such. Were it not; were it, instead, a wished conception, it would belong to the normal conditions of life. Ayn Rand made it very clear when an emergency is at hand.
Unwanted children are never welcome, precisely because they are unwanted and, thus, are generally subject to much mistreatment which later on, during their life, also includes the fact that the forces of justice must come to deal with them and the parents at the expense of the rest of the population? Here we are now involved very deeply with the propriety rights of others!

Further on: the right to abortion is directly related with the propriety rights of the woman involved. To prohibit it entails a direct opposition to these rights. To forbid a woman to proceed with abortion involves the initiation of an act of force by authorities specifically constituted to enforce the prohibition. But we know already the standpoint of Objectivism in relation with acts of violence and this, in itself, constitutes another argument against a stand of anti-abortion and a clear indication, I am very sorry to say, of a deviation from the very basics of Objectivism. Anti-abortion is a dictatorial standpoint.

Since altruism is the obligation to live for somebody else and not for oneself, the anti-abortionists side with the altruists to impose their purposes by force (for there exists no other way to deter a woman from her intention to abort). On the contrary, abortionists side with the defenders of personal freedom as they merely make the means of abortion available for the mother-to-be with no obligation whatsoever to use them. Thus, it is fundamentally an Objectivist standpoint.


I understand that this makes mine as well as the Objectivists position clear and complete. Believe me; neither I nor Objectivists in general are against life. Quite the contrary. However, we are definitively NOT in favor of the life of cave dwellers. Their time has fortunately gone by a long time ago and so it should remain, in spite of “Greenies”, and “Fundamentalists” of all kind (Fundamentalists of what? Of ignorance and poverty?). We are fully against a way of life NOT proper to a rational human being.


I will, of course, continue to welcome your messages (even if we do not agree) and take the opportunity of this chance to enclose my rather long writing "Ayn Rand, I and the Universe" which, depending on your decision, you may (or may not) present to the readers of your Webpage. I have also translated this article into German and Spanish. Should any of your readers want it I can send it through your address since I haven't had yet the time to prepare my own Webpage. Still, any copyright rights remain in my possession. I hope you enjoy it!


With best regards, I remain,

Manfred F. Schieder (Manfred.Schieder@gmx.at)     


P.S.: I think that it would be convenient to make this exchange of messages available in your Webpage for the benefit of your readers to participate in the debate.   




Chicago, August 13, 2004


Dear Mr. Schieder:


I have begun to read your commentary, “Ayn Rand, I, and the Universe,” and find it quite engaging thus far. Thank you for attaching it. I shall give you a more detailed response once I have read it in entirety. Our exchange, along with this, my most recent, response, has been posted on The Rational Argumentator at http://www.geocities.com/rational_argumentator/Schieder_v_Stolyarov.html  

On Ayn Rand’s writings: You have indeed demonstrated that there are more published works by Rand that refer to the abortion issue besides “Censorship: Local and Express.” Let us, however, make the approximate presumption that the sum of Rand’s published statements on abortion totals to about five pages of the Objectivist corpus. If the entirety of Ayn Rand’s published works amounts to 3500 pages (a reasonable estimate), then my disagreement with her stance on abortion would still not preclude my concurrence with 3495/3500 or about 99.86% of her writings. I do not disagree with Rand’s fundamental statements on metafysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics, to which she had devoted the majority of her writings. Any academic, scientific, or business institution would consider a 99.86% correspondence to anything to be a sufficient correspondence. Moreover, it must be recognized that, in a filosofy, some insights carry more weight than others, and the proximity of a given insight to the fundamentals correlates with its adherence being a defining trait of an advocate of that filosofy.  As David Kelley wrote in Truth and Toleration, “Suppose an Objectivist philosopher disagrees with Ayn Rand on some particular point. This does not necessarily mean that he rejects her view on all the other principles to which the point in question is logically related. It may well be that he takes the position he does because he regards it as the true implication of those principles.”


That said, the difference between pro- and anti-abortionist Objectivists is infinitesimal and depends not on the most fundamental principles, but the evaluation of a single type of concrete entity: the fetus. The essential question to be asked in the abortion debate is, “Is the fetus a human being?” If it is, then it is deserving of the entirety of the rights afforded to human beings, thus rendering abortion illegitimate. If it is not, however, then abortion can be justified. Individuals can hold the same premises concerning the nature of rights, and come to different conclusions about this particular subject matter.  On the other hand, persons such as Ms. Kanabe do not recognize the smallness of the abortion debate in the context of the entire Objectivist filosofy, and are willing to abandon even the crucial tenets of selfishness in order to consistently defend Rand’s professed standpoint on abortion.


In order to progress filosofically, we must recognize that Rand was neither omniscient nor infallible, and could have made omissions, mistakes, false generalizations, or misclassifications, and likewise could not have explored the entirety of the questions open to filosofy.


We now proceed to further arguments of yours:


You wrote:Your “Continuum Theory” must be considered totally out of context and truly un-Objectivistic because it proposes to equalize actual with potential.


I respond: My entire argument is that there exist other states that an entity can assume that are neither actual nor potential, but belong to another class of states. You have neither addressed nor refuted this argument. Please understand that I do not consider a mere statement to the contrary or appeal to Rand’s authority to be sufficient argument.


The actual/potential dichotomy is not integral to Objectivism, and I have not witnessed Rand employing it outside the context of the abortion issue. I also have not seen in Rand’s writings any attempted tie between the actual/potential dichotomy and any of Rand’s insights in metafysics. It seems that this (false) dichotomy has been pulled out of intellectual limbo and applied to justify Rand’s stance on abortion in what I consider an out-of-context and empirically disproved manner.


You wrote: By the way, you mention a rational human being as a potential inherent in an embryo: Why stop there? Why not proceed directly to the point when, after having lived its lifespan the human being dies and turns into inert matter?


I respond: I have already addressed this claim in the original article, when responding to a similar argument presented by a Mr. Don Watkins III. Here is what I wrote:

But even with the distinction made between potential and futuristic certainty, there remain abortionist arguments which must be addressed from an Objectivist perspective. Watkins writes, “Man is nothing more than an undead corpse. There is no ignoring it - each one of you is going to die. Thus, I believe that I have the right to treat you as if you were dead. I believe I have the right to bury you now, or use your body for medical experiments, or - if I'm hungry - to eat you. This is absurd, you say? Just because you will be dead doesn't mean you're dead now? That there's an essential difference between a potentially dead human being and one who is actually dead? That one has rights and one does not? Well, the argument I gave you for treating living individuals as ‘undead corpses’ is the same argument anti-abortionists give for treating the unborn the same as the born. Their argument is just as absurd and the consequences just as horrifying.” While the condition of futuristic certainty does indeed apply here, and the argument may seem intimidating at first, it helps to pinpoint another Objectivist truth. Man’s life is the standard of value, and it is improper to deprive any entity of life or to artificially hasten his demise. While we have not yet reached immortality, people continue to live for a certain period of time, and the only context in which morality can be used by an individual is within that span. To shorten that span is to curtail the influence of morality and henceforth is a nihilistic and evil act. Also, just because futuristic certainty exists does not imply that it is desirable, and as death is the diametrical antithesis of life, its infliction is improper. The anti-abortionist, however, defends the fetus on the grounds of futuristic certainty of its life, of its existence as a rights-bearing entity and a being of volitional consciousness. While Mr. Watkins is a profound and eloquent thinker, he has in this case committed a grossly inapplicable moral equivocation as well as the logical fallacy of false analogy.”


You wrote: The emergency resulting from the bombing does not involve enmity of the bombed out family against the neighbors but a situation involving both who have now to face the same consequences of getting out alive.


I respond: In this particular scenario, the neighbors loathe each other, just as a woman considering an abortion might loathe the prospect of an “unwanted” child. Let us further presume that one of the neighbors’ apartments is entirely buried beneath the rubble, and he is forced to take refuge in the living space owned by the other neighbor. Does the latter have the right to kill the unwilling “intruder”?


Moreover, do both the mother and fetus, too, not face the same consequences of getting out of the pregnancy alive, if efforts are taken to ensure that the pregnancy takes its natural course?


You wrote: … a bomb (the embryo) has been planted by a terrorist into a building. Being a “slow-goer” it will explode sometime during the coming 9 months but cannot be touched any more after the 5th month (due to

corrosion of the fuse) without much damage to the building and its inhabitants.


I respond: This is a false comparison because a pregnancy which follows its normal biological progression does not fysically harm the mother’s body. Whatever other “psychological” harms the mother might claim are purely subjective and not necessarily in accord with the facts of external reality; they do not justify the termination of a pregnancy any more than one man’s claim that another man’s manner of speech or type of clothing “psychologically damage” observers justify the coercive ban of such types of speech or clothing, or the termination of the man exhibiting them.


Moreover, your virus analogy is similarly inapplicable because a fetus is not an invading organism that violates the structural and functional integrity of the woman’s body. Rather, the woman’s body has built-in functions that facilitate and encourage the development of the fetus at the benefit of both parties and the detriment of none. The woman’s body possesses gametic cells without which the fetus could not have formed in the first place (thus any comparison to an invasion from without is ruled out), and a pregnancy that does not exhibit extraordinary circumstances cannot damage the woman’s health in any way.


You wrote: Unwanted children are never welcome, precisely because they are unwanted and, thus, are generally subject to much mistreatment which later on


I respond: First of all, I must point out that “Unwanted children are never welcome, precisely because they are unwanted…” is a tautology that does not give any insight as to the facts of reality regarding the issue. (It only says that a hypothetical subjective aversion of parents toward children could exist; it includes no moral imperative within it.) Having reckless intercourse (unprotected, unmarried, or otherwise lacking foresight concerning the possible consequences) and wishing to neutralize the natural results of such actions is a blanket evasion of the facts of reality, including the fact that individuals who have intercourse in such a manner are likely to become pregnant. Outside of rape (where the rapist is the guilty party), the blame for unwanted pregnancy can be attributed solely to those who had engaged in the acts leading up to it. Whatever negative consequences (material or emotional) they suffer as a result of this act are mere demonstrations that causation exists and follows particular rules, and are quite justifiable. What is not justifiable is to attempt to remedy the situation by harming a third party, such as the fetus. 


Moreover, it is not the province of anyone but the individual who lives to decide that one’s life is not “worth living.” The child, if he is born, might come to think that the suffering, mistreatment, and abuse will have been worth it if, once he had grown up and been allowed to lead an autonomous existence, he is allowed to make up for it by his own productive actions. To deny an individual the capacity to make such a choice is indeed presumption and, I dare say, coercive presumption.  


As I have also mentioned in my article, there is no obligation for parents who do not wish to raise the children they conceived to keep them, provided that the children are adopted out to willing caretakers. There are numerous families that would welcome foster children for various reasons, and merely being born an unwanted child is no guarantee that one will be mistreated.


You wrote: the forces of justice must come to deal with them and the parents at the expense of the rest of the population? Here we are now involved very deeply with the propriety rights of others!


I respond: The solution to this crisis is simple: abolish taxation and render the government fundable by voluntary contributions. Then, all actions of government with regard to this issue will be explicitly supported by willing donors (who would not have contributed to the government had they not supported its course of action) and thus involve no one’s coercive expropriation.


This is an issue that can be addressed in a manner absolutely independent of the outcome of this debate. The fact is: it is possible to enforce anti-abortion laws in a manner that concerns only the enforcer and the pertinent parties. Whether or not this can be done by the government of the status quo does not alter this possibility, and has absolutely no bearing on the issue of whether or not abortion is immoral.


You wrote: Since altruism is the obligation to live for somebody else and not for oneself, the anti-abortionists side with the altruists to impose their purposes by force (for there exists no other way to deter a woman from her intention to abort).


I respond: There is also no other way except force to prevent a criminal from killing a man whom he has labeled as his victim. Retaliatory force is justified in any context against those who initiate force, and, if the fetus is indeed a human being, the government’s force against the woman who intends to abort is retaliatory. Thus, there is nothing dictatorial or contrary to Objectivism in its use.


I would also encourage you to address my statements regarding futuristic certainty and why you think them to be flawed, as well as the passage in my original article regarding children and contractual relationships, and how abortion can be viewed a unilateral violation of a de facto implicit contract. Best wishes on your further thinking, writing, and activism; I eagerly look forward to reading more of your treatise.


I am

G. Stolyarov II

Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator
Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store
Author, Eden against the Colossus

Post 1

Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 8:27amSanction this postReply
Mr. Stolyarov,

"My entire argument is that there exist other states that an entity can assume that are neither actual nor potential, but belong to another class of states.",

Just because something has the potential to be something doesn't make it something. Suppose your rape victim bagan to have a miscarriage, Your theory would require action to protect the potential. All in all you are proposing enslaving someone through no choice or action of their own to a possibility. This is pure and simple evil. Its sad to see that someone so willing to champion ideas has chosen to champion the ideas force and hatred of life.

I find that I could spend quite a lot of time in pointing out the evil that lies at the heart of this (and other) articles of yours, but it is a tiring effort. I see that you are constantly adding to your arsenal of rationalizations (articles.) I soon expect to see an article from you entitled "A Rational Defense of Catholicism."

Post 2

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 5:27pmSanction this postReply

Schieder v. Stolyarov: An Abortion Debate: Round 2

(Many responses to comments made by certain SOLOists will also be found here.)

Manfred F. Schieder and G. Stolyarov II

The Rational Argumentator--A Journal for Western Man-- Issue XXV-- August 18, 2004


(This is the continuation of an argument regarding Mr. Stolyarov's now widely known essay, “An Objectivist Condemnation of Abortion." The beginnings of the debate can be found here.) 




Vienna, August 17, 2004


Dear Mr. Stolyarov:


Thank you for your message of August 13, 2004, to which I submit my reply below. Finding my article “Ayn Rand, I and the Universe” engaging inevitably satisfies my vanity.


On Ayn Rand’s writings: Just for the record I have to mention that we also have to take into consideration the arguments with which Mrs. Rand built up her conclusions. Hence, the total of pages involved with the subject is 64, as follows:

a)      “Censorship”: 21 pages

b)      “On living death”: 18 pages

c)      “A Suggestion”: 2 pages

d)      “A last Survey”: 3 pages

e)      Letter to John E. Marshall: ½ page

f)       “The Age of Mediocrity”: 10 pages

g)      “The Sanction of the Victim”: 8 and 1/2 pages

which now makes 1.82% of the total.


Still, I don’t think that these percentages are of any consequence in what refers to the earnestness of the matter involved since what is under discussion is not the amount of writing but the issue itself. In my earlier message I only mentioned the articles involved not on a “weight basis” but to show the importance the matter has in what refers to the practical applications of the filosofy of Objectivism.


There are other subjects within Objectivism which can truly be considered a matter of taste, like using the cigarette as a symbol for the “Galt Movement” (I was a chain smoker for over 30 years ago and, thus, understand why smokers like what they do, with Barbara Branden, who was also a smoker, presenting a strong case against smoking in her Webpage), or a theme that, in my opinion, was a personal pet of Ayn Rand, such as her dislike for a woman to become president of a nation. There are many examples of female presidents, some of them being as bad as men while others leaving a much better record than any male presidents have up to now.


Abortion is not a marginal comment (a “Randbemerkung” if you allow the German language joke since in German “Rand” means “margin”) in Objectivism, but a direct practical application of its basics. It is one of those essentials which we cannot leave aside or change for then we would precisely start altering the basic premises. As a matter of fact it corresponds directly to the fact that evolution “transferred” its workings to us when it developed the evolutionary line that led to the rational human being. I wrote about this in chapter 5 of “Ayn Rand, I and the Universe”.


Hence, we will have to deal again with the subject.


To start with:


“Continuum Theory”/”Futuristic certainty”:


With reference to this I must remind you that the future is never certain. It can be reduced to a joke which contains a deep truth: “The problem with predictions is the fact that they deal with the future… which can’t be forecasted.”


Future foretelling, which includes “futuristic certainty” , is a fallacy which has been proved as such and beyond all doubt by the Austrian School of Economics, particularly Ludwig von Mises. Unfortunately as this may be, even capitalistically minded people fall into the trap and, of course, so do all kind of collectivists (Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Nazis, Democrats, Christians, etc.). They all think that we can “foresee” future developments, needs and requirements. Nowadays the computer freaks adhere to this irrational notion, irrational because they all forget that we are living in a Heisenbergian universe where the “Uncertainty Principle” rules supreme (I refer to this in chapter 6 of my writing “Ayn Rand, I and the Universe”). The fallacy persists and is, thus, the basis of the unreasonable 4 and 5 and 10-year plans which central planners love so much as well as all the useless budget elaboration of private enterprises and official “institutions”. At the end of the year all come out differently from what was expected (in a job I once held as a salesman, the upper echelons considered that the coming year would result in a 10% reduction of sales. By then I had developed a certain idea – we don’t need to go into details here – and the year ended with a 60% increase!).


Not to speak of today’s communication market where fabulous sales are forecasted and the closure of the company comes in its stead sometime during the year… because a competitor had a new invention that superseded everything up to then existing in the branch. Do you know that the president – THE president – of IBM forecasted not too many decades ago that there would only be 5 or perhaps 6 enormous computers world over… all this at the time when Steve Wozniak and Stephen Jobs were developing the “Apple”? 

Hence, “Continuum Theories” and so forth cannot be considered as a serious endeavour, though they surely look like it… if we close our eyes about their being a fallacy. Even what looks like a certainty, such as the end result of a pregnancy running its course cannot be considered to be certain as there are all kind of variables involved that make it, per Heisenberg’s rules, uncertain, such as the body rejecting the fetus (a problem for many women who do their very best to become pregnant), an illness of the carrier, and so forth…


So it is not necessary to enter into this matter again and, thus, I will only reply to a question related with actual and potential: Can there be other states that are neither actual nor potential? If so, please let me know what these other states could be since actual and potential are direct opposites with “not actual” and “not potential” as mere negations of the theme, and “probabilities” and “suppositions” belonging to the “potential” end of the spectrum. Once I know the other states you mean, I am quite willing to specifically come back to this matter. Basically the “question” can be reduced to Shakespeare’s “To be (actual) or not to be (potential)”. Please let me remind you in this context Ayn Rand’s position on it: “I have referred to actual and potential in any number of ways in any number of articles… even if I didn’t write on this subject directly…” (Excerpts from the Epistemology Workshops, page 285 – Appendix to “Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology”).


As a related example: Nature cannot decide what to do with a patch of land. It operates automatically. It can either drench the land or dry it up until it erodes. Not so with the human being. He decides whether to leave it as it is or, else, weed it out and/or plough and cultivate it for his own purpose. Does this involve a potential? It does so indeed but, here again, only for a human being since it involves our brain’s capacity to reason on what could happen. If it happens or not is either our very personal decision or, else, natural factors or human ones (“Greenies” could come along and declare the land a swamp to be environmentally “protected”) which lay out of our control.  In chapter 6 (“The logically resulting type of society”) of “Ayn Rand, I and the Universe” you will read my statement that we live in a “Heisenbergian universe” and what is meant by it. But, still, while we act in accordance with our own, personal decisions, we never act in a potential world since this cannot exist. Along every step of the route towards a goal we act in the actual world, a purposeful action (being) a conscious action caused by the agent’s desire for some anticipated consequence of his action (Harry Binswanger: Chapter 3 of “The Biological Basis of Teleological Concepts”). We NEVER act in a potential world, even if we would like to sometimes, for the structure of the universe itself makes it impossible.


In relation to what you mentioned in the “Continuum Theory”: “Foreseeing the rise of temperature… and having the option of leaping out of the tube… this should be undertaken immediately”, doesn’t this also apply to the pregnant woman who wants to abort? She too wants to avoid the impending doom lying ahead in her future. Has the one facing the possibility of being scalded a higher right than the pregnant woman? Is it less moral? Why? Life and death are involved in both cases.


Fetus: The human fetus is such, even when we allow for the early ontogenetic part of the embryo’s development (where a fast evolutionary repetition could be taken into account), since it develops starting from the human chromosomes supplied by the two human parents involved but to consider it a human fetus is a different matter, as you will see below.


This is out of the question. What is of significance is the personal decision of the already fully developed individual (I prefer this way of wording it since “living” can be applied also to the fetus) of what to do with what he owns. In the specific case involved the fetus is the private property of an individual just as a book or any other product acquired would be (vegetables, for example, which are also living organisms). The difference relates specifically to what carrying out the pregnancy will mean to the mother and the child at a later stage of the development. In other words, while any other organism cannot decide on what to do with a fetus resulting from its seed, be they of vegetable or animal characteristic, humans can and this involves directly the ethical part of the matter, which Ayn Rand deduced from reality and clearly explained in relation to all parts of the filosofy of Objectivism. Rand wrote in “A last survey” (I will repeat part of what I already mentioned in my earlier message:


“Not every wrong idea is an indication of a fundamental philosophical evil in a
person’s convictions; the anti-abortion stand is such an indication. There is no room for an error of knowledge in this issue and no venal excuse: the anti—abortion stand is horrifying because it is non-venal — because no one has anything to gain from it and, therefore, its motive is pure ill will toward mankind.


Never mind the vicious nonsense of claiming that an embryo has a “right to life.” A piece of protoplasm has no rights — and no life in the human sense of the term. One may argue about the later stages of a pregnancy, but the essential issue concerns only the first three months. To equate a potential with an actual, is vicious; to advocate the sacrifice of the latter to the former, is unspeakable.


One method of destroying a concept is by diluting its meaning. Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e. the nonliving, the anti-abortionists obliterate the rights of the living: the right of young people to set the course of their own lives. The task of raising a child is a tremendous, lifelong responsibility, which no one should undertake unwittingly or unwillingly. Procreation is not a duty: human beings are not stock—farm animals. For conscientious persons, an unwanted pregnancy is a disaster; to oppose its termination is to advocate sacrifice, not for the sake of anyone’s benefit, but for the sake of misery qua misery, for the sake of forbidding happiness and fulfilment to living human beings.

A man who takes it upon himself to prescribe how others should dispose of their own lives — and who seeks to condemn them by law, i.e., force, to the drudgery of an unchosen, lifelong servitude (which, more often than not, is beyond their economic means or capacity) — such a man has no right to pose as a defender of rights. A man with so little concern or respect for the rights of the individual cannot and will not be a champion of freedom or of capitalism. (For a full discussion of the issue of birth control, see my article “Of Living Death.”)


Hence, the decision to abort is a decision (and a very urgent one at that, due to the short time involved to apply it) made by the actually existing living human being in relation with a fetus that is only a future existing human being.


Of course we can stop the mother-to-be from undergoing abortion but in this case we are proceeding in a manner with which I and Ayn Rand, as mentioned in above paragraphs, have dealt with already in my earlier messages: To avoid abortion we must apply a prohibition and this means that we must apply force on an actually existing human being. By doing so we have left the path of Objectivism and entered dictatorship. For obvious reasons you have avoided this part of the debate but this is precisely THE main point, the crux of it. Your statement that it is possible to enforce anti-abortion laws in a manner that concerns only the enforcer and the pertinent parties presents this clearly. Evidently only the enforcer and the pertinent parties are involved in a particular case, but as the obligation originates from a law (what else could it make compulsive?) it is the WHOLE population that is involved. Since it can only be enforced by force, the whole matter places it outside an Objectivistic context. This cannot be done innocently for an Objectivist society does not allow, due to its essence, un-Objectivist rules. This immediately places an Objectivists anti-abortionist proposal into a predicament: If he wants to avoid abortion he will have to apply force but this immediately situates him in the field of those who favour dictatorship and this, of course, is anathema for Objectivism.


Further on, you mention that “conception… will result on the inevitable development of a rational creature absent intervention.” The qualification “rational” is, as shown before, out of place until proven that the fetus shows no impairment (such as the Down syndrome would be). Here in Austria doctors, against request, must inform the mother-to-be if she is developing a normal fetus. I have personal proofs of mothers who specifically instruct their doctors to proceed with abortion should anything wrong be noticed during examination (ultrasonic checking, etc.). What I have just stated refers equally to “volitional consciousness”. The fetus may have only the form of a human being but this is still very far for reaching the conclusion that it will have also the main characteristic of a human being: the rational faculty.


To state “it is only a matter of time before the entity that is the fetus will be capable (of) functioning on its own accord”. If it is a human fetus we would expect it to function then as a human entity. Unfortunately as this may be, it is not necessarily so. Quite apart from dysfunctional handicaps we must take into consideration human babies that, for any reason whatsoever, were left in the jungle and found many years later, when they had reached already the state of a youngster. Against the romantic Tarzan story they were found to behave as wild animals and it took always a long time to return them to civilization. Here we must also remember Rand’s indication that at birth the mind is a blank page. This continues to be true in spite of the fact that doctors and scientists have in the meantime found that there are some reactions of the fetus when outside stimulus (noises, etc.) impinge on it. In addition, doctors in the German speaking area consider that a pregnant woman is in a state of emergency (“Ausnahmezustand”: from:  Medizin und Gesundheit, 2004 by Dr. med. Eberhard J. Wormer and Prof. Dr.med. Johann A. Bauer, Lingen Editions).


In what refers to your question on the “form of the fetus consciousness” you must take into consideration that a fetus is a parasite and that this condition continues during his state as a baby and even later on, when it is already a child. We, as grown up rational human beings, slowly turn the newborn into an independent, thinking being through a process – I mentioned this in an earlier message – which Nathaniel Branden carefully explained in “The Objectivist Newsletter”. As an afterthought and considering the present socialized type of societies in which we live we could even say that many remain being parasites, even volitional parasites, for the rest of their life J.


To summarize: An embryo is not yet a person, far from an independent one. Hence, it depends on its parents, specifically on its mother-to-be. The parents, again specifically the mother-to-be, decide the convenience or inconvenience of carrying on the pregnancy. To compare an abortion with the retaliatory use of force against a criminal misses the point by a long range. A criminal has consciousness, he can think of what he will do, an embryo has no consciousness yet, it is a dependent being. Here the not yet existing “consciousness” of the embryo is involved, but not the considerations on the offspring’s future chances as assessed by the parents (particularly the mother).


Pregnancy does not only happen due to any “reckless” intercourse (unfortunately and as inconvenient this may be in certain situations, our glands function beyond our conscious control, as even dear Ayn Rand had to experience). Though anti-conceptive methods are a much better way to proceed they are not perfect yet and, thus, allow for a large margin of unwanted surprises. Again: what then?  Prohibit abortion? Deliver the child to foster parents (the child is already born now and the thought of giving away the child, to not mention the whole heart wrecking adoption procedure, will mean a heavy psychological burden for the parents/mother. A recommended procedure would be to undergo a vasectomy/hysterectomy after having had the quantity of children one has planned for but, again, this must be accomplished by education and not by force and, besides, there is always the moment when our glands play wild.


As an Objectivist I cannot defend for a pro-abortion stand as this has force in store. Under such a condition, I for one would have none of it and leave an ideology behind which is less human than the present abortion laws existing, for example, in Germany and Austria for that matter. Objectivism promotes independence for the rational human being! The world as it is now is already far from being an ideal place where humans can live, but if Objectivism also adds its portion of force against already born and out-of-the-womb existing living human beings which have made a mistake that can be resolved in a civilized manner, is really crossing the last barrier. Ayn Rand NEVER had this in mind, from what I learned from her writings. Hence, for all the reasons given, I continue to stay with an abortion allowing Objectivism where each individual takes his own, personal, independent decisions within the context of a free, non-dictatorial society.


The plan to abolish taxation and render the government fundable by voluntary contributions is an as far away goal as the Administration of the Means of Defence of the Rights of the Individual that I propose in my already mentioned writing. Of course they are a goal all Objectivists can wish for but they are still really very much in the future. And even then, in the case you present, what will happen with those who do not contribute?


In what refers to your statement that “if the fetus is indeed a human being” I have answered this already. It is, after the first stages, to be considered a human being but by no means a born human being. Also this is decisive. Objectivist rules apply only to born rational human beings, and Nathaniel Branden, mentioned earlier, wrote at length about it in an article which in the whole context of this debate, should be read by everybody. In the article referred to it becomes VERY clear how much Objectivist parents care about their offspring! The existence of those already born but having bodily or mental impediments must not be taken into account in this relation since they are the result of the personal decision of their parents or, at least, their mother, who expect to obtain happiness from them or, else, their birth was favourably decided because their existence, in spite of the impairments of any kind that they suffer, means a lesser sorrow for their parents or, at least, for their mother, than their death would have meant.


“Unwanted children…” is, of course a tautology which I meant to short cut what lays behind (mistreatment, under nourishment, lack of love, etc.) but I will endeavour to be more specific next time to avoid short-cuts for what they stand for.

For the issue of abortion under debate and going far beyond this matter since it pertains to the life and happiness of those born and living on Earth, I will proceed now to make a general statement which carries its own value beyond the content of the present personal message and to which I fully adhere:

“There are those who claim for the “rights” of unborn protoplasm that is not wanted by the carrier and whose removal, as long as it means no physical danger for the mother-to-be, will represent an avoidance of much anguish, poverty, misery, impairment, mental suffering, distress, hardship, discomfort, pain and hunger.


“Those who go out for the “rights” of unwanted embryos either consciously or not, have in mind the application of power on others involved with the inherent consequence of harming knowingly or  unknowingly their fellow citizen. These people, who are religiously minded of whatever creed and colour they may be, haven’t the slightest scruple and understanding for those born and alive. On the contrary, they see no contradiction and have no hesitation in blessing weapons and all kind of instruments of destruction; they find nothing wrong in persecuting, torturing and despotically ruling and killing others as long as this can help them to obtain their frightening goals of dominion. They believe that neither the resulting impairments nor the death of thousands, nay million upon millions of human beings can be a barrier to establish their reigns of terror, submission, destruction, conquest and the establishment of slavery in the pursuit of their “sacred” empires of “pure races”, “pure ideology”, “holy beliefs” and other such absurd political goals.


“I see nothing honourable in defending those yet unborn and unwanted while the overwhelming majority of the world’s population dedicates every available effort to hate and destroy each other for the worst possible goals. I feel no sympathy for those who rip their clothes in the quest of their truly unholy purposes. Objectivists do not stand for the life of mere brutes but for the overabundant existence of the rational human being.


“My mind goes out for those who want to live for themselves without interfering with the peaceful lives and efforts of others, whatever their race or colour may be, those who seek personal freedom and as much personal accomplishment, peace and enjoyment, contentedness, felicity, health and prosperity they may obtain for themselves and their loved ones through trade and business but never by means of extortion, obligation nor any kind of pressure of any kind and type whatsoever.


“My heart beats for my own life and the lives of those others who bring happiness for me and for those to whom my own existence can mean happiness, friendship and gratification.


“Objectivists stand for a life of happiness and wellbeing and the abolition of pain, hardship, affliction and suffering that can be obtained by human efforts and deeds


“I, as a declared Objectivist, stand for the here and now, in full knowledge that there are no “esoterical spheres” and beyonds. I do not side with those whose purpose is to turn life on Earth into an unbearable sorrow for those born and existing. I do not stand with those hypocrites who lie when they declare that they themselves do not want to spread grief and sadness and what they call Hell on Earth for there is neither Hell nor Heaven. There is for all of us the chance to build a society for born and existing rational human beings where each individual can accomplish his own deeds, realize his own goals and build his own fruitful happiness through productive labour and commercial exchange.


“I stand against charlatans and liars, impostors and swindlers and all those pretenders who feign to oppose parasitism and living from their fellow citizen’s efforts. I stand at daggers drawn against the compulsion of having to live for others - what is called altruism – and against all kinds of existence which forbids man to live for himself and which humiliates, degrades and subjects the human being to the rule of others.


“Let this be a rule: Those who make every effort to lead a productive, fruitful, peaceful, individual life take precedence over all those not yet born and those unborn who are unwanted and let the born, individual human beings have the offsprings they desire and for whom they know that they can provide support and love to enable them to reach their own state of individual existence in freedom and peace.


I remain, with best regards,

Manfred F. Schieder

E-mail: Manfred.Schieder@gmx.at




Chicago, August 18, 2004


Dear Mr. Schieder:


I now proceed to address your arguments from August 17 concerning the abortion debate.


On Rand’s writings: You presented the following analysis of page numbers related to the subject of abortion in Rand’s written work:

a)      “Censorship”: 21 pages

b)      “On living death”: 18 pages

c)      “A Suggestion”: 2 pages

d)      “A last Survey”: 3 pages

e)      Letter to John E. Marshall: ½ page

f)       “The Age of Mediocrity”: 10 pages

g)      “The Sanction of the Victim”: 8 and 1/2 pages


In “Censorship: Local and Express,” however, Rand devotes only a single paragraf to mention the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, as a tangent to her actual discussion, which concerned the Supreme Court’s pornografy rulings. This was, in effect, meant to say that, while she agreed with the Court’s stance on abortion, she disagreed with its stance on pornografy. As a matter of fact, she only mentioned abortion in two sentences of that essay, or about 1/8 of a page.


“Of Living Death” primarily addressed the Papal encyclical which opposed the use of contraception. The article correspondingly focuses on contraception to a far greater degree than abortion, and the difference between the two is immense. Contraception is a form of birth control prior to the conception of the fetus, and thus, in my judgment, perfectly legitimate, as no futuristic certainty of the development of a particular human being with a particular genome is involved. (By the way, I agree with Rand that no individual is obliged to have children, thus, we do not diverge there.) In the article, Rand makes numerous references to “quack abortionists” that should, desirably, be avoided by young people who should rather use contraception if they do not wish to have children. Rand’s only mention of abortion as a right in the essay is in the form of seven paragrafs, roughly the size of one page.


 In “The Sanction of the Victim” I do not find a single mention of the words “abortion,” or “fetus.” (Please correct me if I am mistaken.) There is a brief critique of the Reagan administration, where Rand uttered dire forecasts which did not come to pass during Reagan’s Presidency. (I happen to think Rand was terribly mistaken with regard to her evaluation of Reagan, so I will state here that there is perhaps half a page in this essay with which I disagree.)


I will grant your evaluation of “A Suggestion,” “A last Survey,” and the Letter to John Marshall. As for “The Age of Mediocrity,” I have yet to read that article, as it is not available, to my knowledge, in any of the book-length compendia of Rand’s articles published since her death. We will leave the status of this writing open to future investigation, and thus state that Rand’s stance on abortion actually amounts to anywhere from 6.625 pages to 16.625 pages, or from 0.19% to 0.48% of her writings. This is still an extremely small amount compared to her major themes and writings!


You wrote:  Abortion is not a marginal comment (a “Randbemerkung” if you allow the German language joke since in German “Rand” means “margin”) in Objectivism, but a direct practical application of its basics.


I respond: In fact, the only way you can state that the “basics” are involved is if you consider the potential/actual dichotomy to be among those “basics.” Persons with the same understanding of rights, the non-initiation of force, and all other aspects of the Objectivist ethics and politics will disagree on the abortion issue if they disagree on the metafysical status of the fetus (is it potential, actual, or futuristic certainty?) This is the question that must be answered, and it is, in fact, the only question that matters in the essence of this debate, as all other implications of either position follow from the way in which one chooses to answer it.


On Futuristic Certainty: 


You wrote:  “With reference to this I must remind you that the future is never certain. It can be reduced to a joke which contains a deep truth: “The problem with predictions is the fact that they deal with the future… which can’t be forecasted.”


Future foretelling, which includes “futuristic certainty” , is a fallacy which has been proved as such and beyond all doubt by the Austrian School of Economics, particularly Ludwig von Mises. Unfortunately as this may be, even capitalistically minded people fall into the trap and, of course, so do all kind of collectivists (Communists, Socialists, Fascists, Nazis, Democrats, Christians, etc.). They all think that we can “foresee” future developments, needs and requirements. Nowadays the computer freaks adhere to this irrational notion, irrational because they all forget that we are living in a Heisenbergian universe where the “Uncertainty Principle” rules supreme (I refer to this in chapter 6 of my writing “Ayn Rand, I and the Universe”).”


I respond: My reasoning for including such a long excerpt of yours it to point out that I consider these arguments critical to the debate. I do believe that the future can be judged to be certain in certain cases and provided that certain circumstances hold. This is because, to the Heisenbergian Universe, I offer the alternative of the Newtonian Universe:

  • The Newtonian Universe contains two distinct fenomena: mechanistic processes and volition. Mechanistic processes are all those which do not pertain to the function, direction, and influence of the human consciousness, presuming, of course, that man is the only entity capable of volition. Volition is the faculty of self-directedness, which is able to actualize one of many alternatives, and has more than one alternative open to it.
  • The Austrian school was correct in its refutation of collectivist economic models which consider processes based on human choice and volition to be predetermined and foreseeable. In fact, they are not; they can only be roughly anticipated knowing the unique personality traits and decision-making histories of the involved individuals.  This is because volitional entities always have many alternatives open to them. Mechanistic processes, on the other hand, do not. They have only one alternative which they can follow, as determined by their present states and the forces acting upon them, which, unless they are forces exerted by human beings and rooted in volition, are determined and foreseeable.
  • Even in human organisms, there are certain mechanistic processes that can proceed without the control of human volition. The human heart beats automatically, and so it food automatically processed by the digestive system. The human mind cannot change the direction of these processes voluntarily, in the manner that it can alter the position of one’s limbs or initiate speech. It is true that, given the proper technology, human volition can interfere with, modify, and/or improve these processes. But the precondition for such technological modification is knowing what would happen if such modification were not made! If the human heart were genetically predetermined to expire after a certain amount of beats, for example, technological intervention could delay this fact; this would be the intention of the intervention. If it were not known what would occur (i.e. if the heart could spontaneously choose to continue beating despite fysical laws to the contrary),  then it would also not be known whether the technological intervention would be helpful. But the fact that it would indeed be helpful in such a situation is a matter of common sense (general, ubiquitous observation), thus, we must recognize that the contrary proposition is true.
  • The act of intercourse is volitional; human beings choose to initiate it. However, what follows, the progressive development from embryo to fetus to born individual, is automatic and mechanistic; the woman’s body is genetically pre-programmed to function in a certain way and provide the fetus with certain nutrients to support its similarly pre-programmed growth under these circumstances. Thus, futuristic certainty of this development can in fact be cited, even if the possibility of accident or miscarriage exists. “Futuristic certainty” of a given outcome can exist in a given general context; we can state, for example, that, given only mechanistic factors A and B, outcome C will result. Though some unforeseen factor D may enter the situation, it is wrong to take it into account before it does so (as we do not even know if factor D exists!), and to claim that there can be no certainty whatsoever as a result of it. Thus, we can state that given the general situation of pregnancy, a rational, conscious, individual human being will result. The fact that miscarriages, accidents, and deformities can at times enter the situation does not render the fact that pregnancy in itself leads to a human being any less true or uncertain.
  • Let there be no misinterpretation here: the threat of accident ought to be guarded against, and certain non-harmful prevention measures could be taken, if available, but for the precise purpose of controlling the outcome by introducing no new and potentially deleterious factors into the situation.
  • Whether or not a given futuristic certainty is desirable depends on the values at stake. In the “human stew in a tub” scenario, the only futuristically certain outcome of keeping the same initial factors is death. Thus, the initial factors ought to be altered or disrupted. On the other hand, in the pregnancy scenario, the only futuristically certain outcome (given the initial factor of pregnancy), is rational life. Pregnancy is an essential guarantee that a genetic code which contains in itself the form of human rationality, will be actualized into an entity capable of wielding this form, and thus possess rights. Accordingly, it is the right of this entity to have such a life developed for itself, and not to be deprived of it in the process.


You wrote: Can there be other states that are neither actual nor potential? If so, please let me know what these other states could be since actual and potential are direct opposites with “not actual” and “not potential” as mere negations of the theme, and “probabilities” and “suppositions” belonging to the “potential” end of the spectrum. Once I know the other states you mean, I am quite willing to specifically come back to this matter.


I respond: Of course there can be other states! I can list a few of them here, though I make no guarantee of the list’s exhaustivity.


The impossible: That which has never happened and can never happen. (The existence of God, for example)

The formerly possible: That which could happen in the past, but cannot happen in the future (The spontaneous formation of complex molecules on Earth, for example, as the Earth no longer has a reducing atmosfere).

The formerly existing: That which has been an actuality (not a mere possibility) in the past, but is an actuality no longer (The existence of dinosaurs, for example) 

The potential (or futuristically uncertain): That which has not yet happened, and can take place in one of many alternative ways. (This is a state applicable only to volition. For example, I could wear a red shirt or a blue shirt tomorrow, or I could choose some other color of shirt. Inanimate matter cannot follow one of many paths.)

The futuristically certain: That which has not yet happened, but will definitely take place in the future given certain present conditions (and absent volitional intervention). (This subsumes anything regarding the changes and processes exerted by inanimate matter, non-volitionally-conscious organisms, and the involuntary functions of the human body).

The actual: That which exists in the present moment (My computer, for example).


In layman’s terms, the six states can be referred to as:

  • Cannot be
  • Could have been
  • Was
  • Could be
  • Will be
  • Is


Please note that “potential” or “futuristic uncertainty” is in a certain regard the opposite of “futuristic certainty” or “mechanistic determinacy,” to use another term.  


These are in fact some very interesting insights that will contribute greatly to my planned treatise on cosmology.


You wrote: In other words, while any other organism cannot decide on what to do with a fetus resulting from its seed, be they of vegetable or animal characteristic, humans can and this involves directly the ethical part of the matter, which Ayn Rand deduced from reality and clearly explained in relation to all parts of the filosofy of Objectivism.


I respond: Humans can also decide whether or not to initiate force toward other adult human beings. This does not mean that any decision they make will automatically be right. Thus, the sheer ability to decide does not guarantee a given decision’s desirability. You claim the fetus to be “private property,” and compare it to a carrot, but this is a mistake, since, for a carrot, volition is impossible, while for a fetus, it is futuristically certain. Please also note that it is not making good decisions that qualifies an individual for having rights, but the ability to make decisions per se, even if that individual chooses to life as a mindless conformist, surrendering his freedom of choice to the rule of others (as people often do without any state coercion whatsoever). Even the most severely mentally deprived individuals can make some sorts of decisions that animals are inherently barred from making. Thus, they are all qualified for rights.


Let us, moreover, postulate the existence of a severely handicapped individual whose mental processes function, but function very slowly. As a matter of fact, he can only make a volitional decision every nine months. We know that, in nine months, he will make some sort of decision, but, until then, he cannot. Does this justify anyone having the right to kill him? Of course not! Yet a fetus is far less mentally disadvantaged than such an individual. Not only do we know that it will make some decision in nine months, but also that it will continuously keep making decisions afterward!


The general rule is this: rights pertain to all human beings, regardless of experience, intelligence, or particular skills/capacities. The very ability to make decisions at some point on the temporal spectrum qualifies one for rights during the entirety of one’s life. (This is, by the way, why I think it is illegitimate to terminate the lives of comatose individuals, even if they are permanently comatose. The fact that they once had the ability to make decisions, and that they are still alive, qualifies these individuals for a right to life.)


You claim that children have not reached their full rational capacity and are dependent on their parents. You make the same argument regarding the fetus. Does this, then, give parents the right to kill any child who is still dependent on them? (By the way, I did address this issue in my article as well. As far as “dependency” is concerned, the line that those in support of legal abortions draw at birth is absolutely arbitrary, and the legality of abortion could lead to a slippery slope of killing or abandoning already born children.)  


Moreover, I disagree with your designation of fetuses and children as “parasites.” A parasite is an entity that thrives at the detriment of its host. However, no fysical harm is dealt to a mother during a normal pregnancy, and a child’s support costs pay for the values which the child brings to his parents (which, if the parents choose to keep the child, are more valuable than the money they spend on him. If this is not the case, then the parents would and should adopt out the child). Thus, using the terms of biology, the relationship should best be described as “mutualistic.” Please note that this designation is independent of subjective “psychological damage,” which can never be used as the basis for law or objective classification. (Otherwise, Person A can claim the right to kill Person B by citing the harm that B brings to A’s subjective psychological state by the sheer fact of his superior performance or ideological divergence.)


You wrote: Pregnancy does not only happen due to any “reckless” intercourse (unfortunately and as inconvenient this may be in certain situations, our glands function beyond our conscious control, as even dear Ayn Rand had to experience). Though anti-conceptive methods are a much better way to proceed they are not perfect yet and, thus, allow for a large margin of unwanted surprises.


I respond: First of all, even if it can be shown that, in certain situations, individuals cannot control certain fysical/chemical processes within their glands and their general bodies, interacting with (born) others on the basis of these processes is always volitional, no matter what interactions are involved. Since intercourse always involves two people, an individual, upon experiencing the aforementioned processes, can merely abstain from interacting with another person on the basis of these processes. There is always a way to abstain from fysical intercourse, and, despite chemical interactions suggesting one course of action or the other, it is the human mind that has the ultimate control over the final decision.

With regard to contraception, so long as it is imperfect, the couple that has intercourse should recognize that there still exists a slight risk of pregnancy. By still having intercourse under these conditions, they should concede the possibility of this risk, and their responsibility for the consequences that result (i.e. the creation of another human being). This could be compared to the decision of a skilled player at Monopoly; he could enter the game, trusting his superior judgment, but there will always be the risk that the dice rolls will not favor him. To play, he will need to accept the risk, and if bets of money are involved in the game, be willing to give up some money if he loses.


Having intercourse is a choice. It should be made as an informed choice, and the results of such a decision should not be used to punish anyone except those who made it.


On enforcement:


You wrote: Evidently only the enforcer and the pertinent parties are involved in a particular case, but as the obligation originates from a law (what else could it make compulsive?) it is the WHOLE population that is involved. Since it can only be enforced by force, the whole matter places it outside an Objectivistic context. This cannot be done innocently for an Objectivist society does not allow, due to its essence, un-Objectivist rules.


I respond: There is nothing un-Objectivistic about any law that punishes the initiation of force. And to punish such offenses, only the use of retaliatory force suffices. Once again, whether or not such laws are justified depends only on whether or not abortion can be considered an initiation of force (which depends on whether or not the fetus can be considered a human being). Once again, this is not the crux of the debate, but rather, the answer to this issue follows consistently from either answer to the fundamental question of whether the fetus is human. If it is, laws to punish aborting women are required. If it is not, then no such laws should exist.


You wrote: The plan to abolish taxation and render the government fundable by voluntary contributions is an as far away goal as the Administration of the Means of Defence of the Rights of the Individual that I propose in my already mentioned writing. Of course they are a goal all Objectivists can wish for but they are still really very much in the future. And even then, in the case you present, what will happen with those who do not contribute?


I respond: First of all, according to my reasoning, it is not relevant whether a government free of compulsory taxation exists prior to the abolition of abortion. What matters is that both aims are desirable. There are thus four possible situations:


1) Involuntary taxation and legal abortion (the present).

2) Voluntary taxation and legal abortion.

3) Involuntary taxation and illegal abortion.

4) Voluntary taxation and illegal abortion.


I, of course, consider situation 4 to be the most desirable. But situations 2 and 3 are still an improvement over the status quo, which is wrong on both issues (Better to be wrong on only one issue than on both!). Thus, any law regarding voluntary taxation and the illegalization of abortion is still desirable, even if it does not establish an optimal government by its very existence. It is still a step in the right direction.

As for those who do not contribute to a voluntarily funded government, I also plan to address this in a future essay. My plan essentially involves an “Investmentocracy”-type voting structure, in which the government allocates votes like shares in a corporation, in proportion to those who invest in it. Thus, the people who have contributed the most to the government will have the greatest say over the selection of its officials and certain policy decisions. Those who do not contribute may either have no right to vote, or have only one vote, the “basic vote” that does not depend on contributions to the government. (Others who contribute would, however, be able to purchase thousands of votes, so as to easily overrule the non-contributing individual!) This is, of course, a side issue to our current debate, but still an interesting one. Once again, I consider enforcement to play a very small role in this debate, as, if we concede the fetus’s humanity, the issue of enforcement will be a structural/logistical, not a moral one.

In retrospect, one of our key disagreements is one of the type of universe we inhabit. A Heisenbergian Universe admits no certainty whatsoever, whereas a Newtonian Universe admits certainty in all cases except volitional human decisions. To resolve this difference may require more than the rather elementary exposition I had made in this response; it may need to wait for my treatise on cosmology. But still, please feel free to argue against what parts of my model I had presented. In response, I may produce an even more comprehensive exposition.


I am

G. Stolyarov II

Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator

Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store

Author, Eden against the Colossus

Chief Administrator, Chicago Methuselah Foundation Fund

Sanction: 13, No Sanction: 0
Sanction: 13, No Sanction: 0
Sanction: 13, No Sanction: 0
Post 3

Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 7:08pmSanction this postReply
Hey G.

Thanks for the No Sanction vote! I figured you were the button pusher! In any case, your futuristic certainty stuff is merely a rationalization to explain why abortion should be wrong. You think its wrong, therefore you have devised this "theory" to cover your belief. Well, I gave you another post to X off on. You'll note that I haven't started a Grand Abuse thread in response to your anonymous sniping. But I enjoy the hypocritical nature of your unsanctions, since you hate them so much. The level 4 was the give away. Naughty naughty naughty :-)

Sanction: 13, No Sanction: 4
Sanction: 13, No Sanction: 4
Post 4

Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 3:42amSanction this postReply
Ethan - I have re-sanctioned you, so this hypocritical bastard's spiteful *un*-sanctioning of you has been countered. I salute you for being the first to identify this creature for what it is - "evil." An out-&-out fascist masquerading in Objectivist clothing. It is all the more evil because of the cold, calculating nature of its fascism, utterly bereft of a shred of authentic rationality or humanity or romance. Contrary to my earlier, lenient intent, I shall not be posting its articles here again, ever. I have seldom experienced such flesh-crawling disgust as this creature has induced in me over the past few days. A grotesquerie, a Mengele of philosophy. Ugh!!


Post 5

Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 2:16pmSanction this postReply
gosh - am glad i didn't accept the publishing offer , else i'd have been tarred and feathered along with him, which certainly would not do well for my own endeavors ...

Post 6

Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 4:52pmSanction this postReply
Thanks Lindsay!

Post 7

Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 7:36pmSanction this postReply

You did not really expect me to leave a post condeming me as "evil" un-sanctioned, did you?

I never stated that I was categorically opposed to un-sanctioning. I would commit this act anytime w.r.t. somebody as grotesquely impolite as Mr. Dawe or Mr. Perigo. I have done this to only the posts where they displayed their breach of proper conduct.

Dawe, Perigo, and their sanctioners disgust me as much as do the medieval rabble who cried "Heretic!" or "Witch!" at any individual who dared utter an original thought.

I tremble at the thought of Perigo's perversion of Objectivism becoming the mainstream of the filosofy. If this happens (or has happened), then Objectivism truly is dead.

Let me emfasize: I do not support, in any fundamental way, shape, or form, any statement uttered by Mr. Perigo, as I consider it an absolute misconstruement of Rand's ideas, and of the ideas that logically follow from them. I am not a SOLOist, and am proud not to be one. On the contrary,

I am
G. Stolyarov II
Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator
Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store
Author, Eden against the Colossus
Chief Administrator, Chicago Methuselah Foundation Fund
Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917  

Post 8

Friday, August 20, 2004 - 6:58amSanction this postReply
"You did not really expect me to leave a post condeming me as "evil" un-sanctioned, did you?"

Since you embrace evil irrational ideas, I don't expect much more than that from you.

 "have done this to only the posts where they displayed their breach of proper conduct."

"I am not a SOLOist, and am proud not to be one. On the contrary,

I am
G. Stolyarov II
Editor-in-Chief, The Rational Argumentator
Proprietor, The Rational Argumentator Online Store
Author, Eden against the Colossus
Chief Administrator, Chicago Methuselah Foundation Fund
Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917Atlas Count 917  "

Well I'm Ethan and I don't need a signature block 7 lines long with 2 jpegs to feel confident in my position.

Post 9

Friday, August 20, 2004 - 8:08amSanction this postReply
"There is always a way to abstain from fysical intercourse"

not in cases of rape there isn't

Post 10

Friday, August 20, 2004 - 8:09amSanction this postReply
This is a re-post from the other thread on this matter.

even if we accept this new concept, "futuristic certainty", this does not delegitimate abortion. no human is to be expected to sacrifice its interests to the interest of any other human being. there are no duties. in the words of Max Stirner, "Away with every concern that is not my concern!". what this means that, if a lifeform is such that its existence depends on parasiting off of me, I am fully entitled to abandon it and let it die. I am endutied to sacrifice my interest to nothing. the parasitical organism is necessarily a conflict of interest with its host, unless the host comes to see some egoistic selfish value in putting up with the parasite. that the parasite at some future time will become nonparasitic is besides the point. No one is endutied to put up with the 9 months and 15-20 years of servitude demanded by this parasite while it becomes a self sufficient rational animal. it is the host's perogative to abandon the parasite at any time. if the parasite is such that it will die without the support of the host, this is not the host's problem. abortion is simply the act mommy shrugging off the ignorant, repulsive looters (who in their right mind would actually inflict upon themselves the tortures of having to be around a child for so long?) who wish to take 15-20 years of her life away into drudgery and servitude. now, of course, if the mother, for whatever reason, decides that the pregnancy is a project worth her time, this ir her perogative also-- but she has no duty to sacrifice herself in order to support a being which cannot support itself.

Post 11

Friday, August 20, 2004 - 11:14amSanction this postReply
Let me emfasize:
I do not support, in any fundamental way, shape, or form, any statement uttered by Mr. Perigo, as I consider it an absolute misconstruement of Rand's ideas, and of the ideas that logically follow from them.
At least that's an honest statement.

Post 12

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:22pmSanction this postReply
Vienna, September 15, 2004
On September 11, I sent Mr. Stolyarov and also to you - given the possibility that Mr. Stolyarov would not publish it in his own Webpage and as you also published the message exchange between me and him - below message which is the last of the debate since I have decided to cut all communications with Mr. Stolyarov.
Up to now I haven't seen this message published on the corresponding page of your Dissent Forum. Should I am mistaken please let me know. Else, it could well have gone lost somewhere between satellites.
Still, I think that my last reply should appear on your Webpage since, if it doesn't, your readers could consider that I preferred not to reply to Mr. Stolyarov, which isn't the case.
Best regards,
Manfred F. Schieder (Member 567)
E-mail: Manfred.Schieder@gmx.at

Vienna, September 11, 2004


Dear Mr. Stolyarov:


This replies your message of August 31, 2004.


“For nine months they all care for me: the Church, the State, the doctors and the judges. After this I’ll have to look for myself how I will go through life. For the rest of my life nobody will care for me. But for nine months they are ready to kill themselves should somebody want to kill me. Isn’t this really a very strange way of caring?” (Kurt Tucholsky, 1890-1935).


One of the most valuable consequences of Objectivism is goodwill. Benevolence – not to be mistaken with charity - is the expression that no matter what terror, falsehood, and evil exists, somewhere on Earth - even if not anywhere in one’s surrounding or within one’s reach - there is a proper, human way of life possible to human beings where justice matters (Ayn Rand). This benevolent sense of life unites all Objectivists world-wide, wherever they may be and even if they have never heard of Rand’s philosophy.


Unfortunately there are also those who, under a disguise of Objectivism and confusing benevolence with simplicity, use this façade to carry out a destruction of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. I have known many and they happen to appear everywhere any now and then. I understand that I am right now facing such a case.


Being benevolent by reason I have offered you a workable solution so that both positions (abortion vs. anti-abortion) can be available to the choice of every human female. Unfortunately I have been disappointed once more. Evidently, it will take a longer time than expected to spread “the good news”, as my unfortunately already deceased acquaintance Beatrice Hessen told me with good humor when she visited me in Argentina. Your insistence of anti-abortion is just gruesome.


But I have noticed your position against Rand’s ideas not only in this instance. Also  in several other instances, marriage for example, are you trying to establish an exclusive viewpoint which Rand herself never defended. On top of this you glorify Napoleon, one of the vilest criminals in history, and this speaks whole chapters on your true intentions.


In several parts of your messages, particularly in the one I am replying now, you try to show that Rand did not provide in-depth philosophical analyses of the Objectivist abortionist position. My, my, I have already mentioned all the articles where she did just that but, of course, stating that an argument is no argument is a very simple way to dismiss what Rand proved.


Beyond this and against your allusion that I accepted the Philosophy of Objectivism through a blanket judgment I stated already in an earlier message, that I came to Objectivism after a long process of rational considerations that started almost 20 years before I ever heard of Ayn Rand. Besides: what can you mean with “blanket judgment”? A blanket acceptance involves no judgment at all, so we are here confronted with a contradiction in terms so one of the underlying premises is wrong!


You state yourself that an Objectivist must adhere to the fundamentals of the Randian thoughts. But to adhere to these fundamentals demands the acceptance of the consequences of these thoughts: in the present precise case the acceptance to the right to abortion which, of course, does not and never went against the right to bear children if the mother wants it, as Rand herself very sensitively stated.


Both possibilities agree with another direct consequence of Objectivism which, for your own purposes, you conveniently try to evade: THE RIGHT TO OWN ONE’S OWN BODY AND THE CONNECTED RIGHT OF PERSONALLY DECIDING WHAT COURSE OF ACTION TO TAKE IN RELATION WITH YOUR BODY AND SELF. Your insistence to apply force against abortion, with the resultant fines, imprisonment or probably even death sentences for the mother, goes directly against the mother’s rights. It establishes FEAR as the social environment and this goes directly against the PERSONAL HAPPINESS which is one of Objectivism’s main premises. Fear also goes, of course, against the mother’s potential happiness. But you don’t care for the mother’s considerations taken in relation with her own and the child’s future under the present conditions of her life. Will she be potentially (to use a word you like so much) happy? Evidently not, else she would not be considering the option of abortion.


Further on, your continuous insistence of giving the child to adoption shows an appalling callousness for the conditions in which a human being might find itself at any time in its life. As a solution you offer abstinence as the sure birth control prescription. Here you go full throttle against the principle of lust and pleasure which Nature implanted in the very center of our brain as a principal motivating force for our search for happiness. Hence you give not just another evidence of a lack of gentleness but also of stalking against Nature. It has been proved since long that a state of pleasure is what our hypothalamus craves for continuously and it has also been proved that the suppression of pleasure generates societies where pathological remorse, gloom, irascibility, hate, desperation, bellicosity, despotism and warmongering dominate. Such societies are the worst human societies existing and they all have a religious undercurrent and are lead by religions of all kind and for their own malevolent purposes. Anti-abortionists are, of course, among those promoting the continued existence of such “cultures”. Stalinism, Nazism and so forth are a direct consequence of such religious currents, so there is no error in my arguing that there’s a direct relation between anti-abortion and dictatorship, whether you want to recognize this or not.


Can a standpoint of anti-abortion be maintained? Of course it can, but to do so one must reject the rational considerations which support abortion as a free, personal choice. Within Objectivism such a position cannot be held. Supporters of anti-abortion must then, necessarily, accept another “philosophy” which is not based on reason. Those who are atheists are then really, as I read somewhere, conservatives who don’t go to church.


Why should such another “philosophy” be not permitted to remain within the rational frame of reference of Objectivism? The explanation to this takes us to a long road which I will do my best to reduce to its essentials. First of all, if one favors Objectivism one must also accept its consequences. Whoever wants to attain certain goals must also accept the means to achieve them. What is not allowed is to change the consequences of Objectivism. The part cannot contradict the whole nor the whole the part.


To my knowledge David Kelley never made clear what he meant by saying that since Rand urged us to check our premises she never exempted her own. Rand meant by it that we had to check irrational premises against the rational premises on which Objectivism rests and from which the various issues involved are considered. Whenever a contradiction between Objectivism and our thoughts appears we have to change our thoughts, not the other way round. Changing the Objectivist premises would be to step back into irrationality.


Rand didn’t allow us to keep our cake and eat it too. Hence, what can never be meant (and should Kelley wanted us to do this he really made a monumental blunder) is to change the premises within the system for this equals changing the fundamentals of Objectivism. It is not necessary to write a whole treatise for every subject involved as other “philosophers” did and still do. A short sentence suffices, particularly in the case of Ayn Rand who basically started her literary activity as a script writer, an activity through which she learned to be concise and precise at the same time. For example, it sufficed for Rand to mention her position on actual-potential in a passing comment during a discussion held with several professors to clear the issue. Likewise, she never favored marriage as the only existing possibility either, a subject she took up during the “Playboy” interview. Many such instances can be found in all her writings, which is what makes Rand’s ideas so dynamic and fresh against the staleness of the other “philosophies”.


Observe that what you propose is to change Objectivism. Observe that no Neo-Platonist or Neokantian (or Neoyoucallit) will ever try to change Plato’s or Kant’s thoughts. If someone does he will clearly state that he opposes Plato, Kant or any other thinker and establish his own “philosophy” in opposition. What Neo-Platonist or Neokantians (or Neoleftists for that matter) do is to search and add additional arguments to sustain Platonism, Kantianism or, for that matter, Marxism. They look for other sources or “philosophies” that support or parallel what their guiding masters said and they will apply the ideas of their master-“philosophers” to subjects that came up after Plato, Kant, etc. had died, for example the Marburger School or the Badische School in the case of Neokantianism. So a different line of thinking than Objectivism can be created but I deeply doubt that it has then any right to claim to be rational. We had this part already in another message, so it is not necessary to repeat the issue.


(What is more: I hate Repetitioning for it is unnecessary and does not replace argumentation. My brain still functions quite well so I see no reason whatever why you had to repeat your list of “potentials” in your last message!)


Let’s proceed. Your allusions that I am siding with hippies, feminists, etc. are wrong and completely out of place even where Objectivists and such creatures were to agree on a certain issue. Objectivism rejects such anti-cultures completely. I have often found that for certain issues Objectivists find themselves defending the same position as, for example, communists do. Barbara Branden herself wrote once in “The Objectivist Newsletter” that Objectivists can side with religious people if these defend Capitalism as the proper economic system, but the statements of both must then be issued separately and not be allowed to mingle. Why can there be such correspondences between opposing positions? Because their goal might be the same but the starting point is exactly opposite. Let’s reduce taxes, cry the conservatives. So do the Objectivists, but both start from totally opposing standpoints.


You also suggest that I side with eugenicists. If you mean by this those who propose to lead mankind’s procreation in a certain racial or ideological direction, as Lysenko did under Stalinism or Hitler’s “Lebensborn” or the elimination of Jews, demented people, homosexuals, etc. was, I must say that your are totally wrong. Objectivists never had and never will have this in mind. However, if we take eugenics as a natural phenomena I must accept that Nature has been using it, through natural selection, along thousands of millions of years… and humans do so too. Else, we wouldn’t have the pleasure of so many beautiful women around us and, for that matter, horses would still have the size of dogs, cattle would not be able to yield so much milk nor wheat and other cereals, etc. have the size and taste they have. So much for your accusation of me adhering to eugenics. I haven’t decided on this. Nature did and much earlier at that.


Am I psychoanalyzing again? Call it as you may, I merely state facts, and it is a fact that your soulwretching for embryos and fetuses comes to siding with altruists. Besides you state that they have a volitional consciousness; I suppose that if you push it a little farther back you would come to agree that spermatozoa also has it for, else, how could it advance so decidedly towards the egg?


Against altruists Objectivists are SELFISH people and so is the philosophy which upholds them. To us everybody has a personal right to decide what to do and what is or isn’t convenient for his present and his potential future life. We don’t dictate over any other body but our own and self.


Did I forget something else in this writing? Oh, yes: Smoking. Since this is a symbol in the philosophy of Objectivism I look at it differently from you. Objectively I will have to live with this symbol. The Dollar-Sign cigarette is a symbol and as such stands as the fire in man mind. Since Rand mentioned it sufficiently often Objectivists will have to live with accepting it as a symbol… whether an Objectivist smokes or not. It will be used as a symbol and be understood as such, whether we actually smoke or not.


Should something have been left in the inkstand it will remain there for there is now something else I have to say:


I am thoroughly sick of people who state to be Objectivists and then run amok against the ideas of Objectivism. I am sick of living in a world of irrationality and violence and having to fight against people who promote even more violence and fear as their beloved type of society. I am sick of having to deal with powermongers and supporters of present or future dictators of all kind who want to impose their views against personal liberty and personal choice. I am sick of force and violkence. I am sick of those who either will not or cannot think rationally.


Hence, this is the last communication exchange with you. A reply from your side will not merit any reply.


For I MEAN it!


Manfred F. Schieder

Post 13

Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 11:39pmSanction this postReply

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