
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Monday, October 17, 2005 - 8:47pmSanction this postReply
I know what to do.

Lenin Addressing Workers
Lening Address Crowd:
Lenin Again
Another view of the same image
Lenin Portrait
Lenin waves to happy crowd
old soldier listening to Lenin


- Judy Collins


Four years after the revolution
and the old kings execution
Four years after remember how
those courtiers took their final bow

String up every aristocrat
Out with the priests and let then live on their fat

Four years after we started fighting
Marotta keeps up with his writing
Four years after the bastille fell
He still recalls the old battle yell

Down with all of the ruling class
Throw all the generals out on their ass

Why do they have the gold
Why do they have the power why why why why why
Do they have the friends at the top

Why do they have the jobs at the top

We've got nothing always had nothing
Nothing but holes and millions of them
Living in holes
Dying in holes
Holes in our bellies and
Holes in our clothes

Marotta we're poor
And the poor stay poor
Marat don't make us wait any more
We want our rights and we don't care how
We want a revolution

Four years he fought and he fought unafraid
Sniffing down traitors by traitors betrayed
Marotta in the courtroom
Marotta underground
Sometimes the otter and sometimes the hound

Fighting all the gentry and fighting every priest
The business man the bourgeois the military beast
Marotta always ready to stifle every scheme
Of the sons of the ass licking dying regime

We've got new generals our leaders are new
They sit and they argue and all that they do
is sell their own colleagues
And ride upon their backs
Or jail them
Or break them
Or give them all the ax
Screaming in language that no one understand
Of the rights that we grabbed  with our own bleeding hands
When we wiped out the bosses
And stormed through the wall of the prison you told us would outlast us all

Marotta we're poor
And the poor stay poor
Marotta don't make us wait any more.
We want our rights and we don't care how
We want a revolution

Poor old Marotta they hunt you down
The bloodhounds are sniffing all over the town
Just yesterday your printing press was smashed
Now their asking your home address

Poor old Marotta in you we trust
You work till your eyes turn as red a rust
But while you write their on your track
The boots mount the staircase
The doors thrown back

Poor old Marotta in you we trust
You work till your eyes turn as red a rust
Poor old Marotta we trust in you

Marotta we're poor
And the poor stay poor
Marotta don't make us wait any more
We want our rights and we don't care how
We want a revolution

(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 10/17, 9:03pm)

Post 1

Monday, October 17, 2005 - 9:08pmSanction this postReply
No, I am almost serious. 

Don't you get sick and freeking tired of putting up with idiots?

Are you never about one millimeter from wanting to take total political and military control once and for alll>

Sure, I am a laissez faire kind of guy, live and let live, all opposed totally to violence -- the last resort of the incompetent...

But why do we understand ANAKIN SKYWALKER?

Get the fuck out of my way!
and if you cannot do that,
then YOU stand over there and hold this.
And you! take this and carry it over there!
and you! fill this out!
and you!! quit slacking off and find a shovel, dammit!

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Post 2

Monday, October 17, 2005 - 9:46pmSanction this postReply

Stop taking MSK's drugs.


Post 3

Monday, October 17, 2005 - 10:06pmSanction this postReply
"Are you never about one millimeter from wanting to take total political and military control once and for all?"

No. I'm past my Dr. Doom phase. Too much work.

Post 4

Monday, October 17, 2005 - 10:38pmSanction this postReply
I kinda like the part about Marotta being a hound. Being an otter didn't quite do anything for me...


Post 5

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 5:03amSanction this postReply
Sorry about that, folks.  It was the result of some unresolved inner contradictions. 

I work as a security guard on a college campus and not being obeyed is part of the job.  I actually support disobedience, spiritually, but much of what little I have to worry about involves other people's physical safety.  We have goth kids who sit in front of fire exits, for instance.  So, there is all of that.

Then, I am taking a class in Logic at night.  To avoid grading papers, the instructor -- some kind of logical positivist grad student from the U of M -- has us in this "electronic textbook" which inevitably has bugs.  And I turn in bug reports.  Then there is the fact that being created by some university philospher, the book has a few epistemological problems.  I work at being a student.  Learning to fly was part of that.  Learning to program computers and then robots was part of that.  And I have taught.  Teaching robotics was not a 3-credit class, but a 40-hour week... every week... for two years.  Now, I do "dog and pony shows" in chemistry and physics at a science museum.  For all of that, I confess to having at best a poor idea of how people learn, but I find it really frustrating that other so-called professionals have no idea how people learn.

For a little relaxation, I thought I would re-read Atlas Shrugged for the first time in about 15 years.  It is not the book I remember and Ayn Rand is not the author she was 15 years ago.  I want to read it with a blue pencil and mark up her prose.  And that is frustrating -- and disappointing.

... then I come here and find people gushing romantically about mountains, and prairies, and oceans white with foam.

Basically, I think I need a change of lifestyle, maybe several.

Post 6

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 2:53pmSanction this postReply
Whoa, Michael:
     Been there, done that (well, not specifically, but, I got [and, I presume you get] the gist). Matter of fact, am still doing 'that.' Looking for a way to get a real 'change of life-style,' that is. --- Aruba, Colorado Springs...secret island. C'est la vie. Endure what one has to until one can change it (however slightly, and, hopefully, noticeably), is all I can say. Yeah, I'd like to move to AZ (northern) or CO (northern, and I hate the cold; but the Xians in the south [re AFAcademy and surroundings] would be worse to put up with). Someday...

     I was an 'instructor' in the AF; we had to go through a 6-mo course covering all the stuff about communicating the subject, being a lecturer, etc. but what I found (later) experientially was a teacher's/instructor's need to learn to try to see where the (presumed desire-to-learn) student was not understanding one's clearly formed gems-of-wisdom that obviously should have needed no questions. No matter how one 'explains' something, someone will definitely have a prob in understanding, not because of lack of smarts or background knowledge, but, merely a quite different (ergo, not matching your) 'perspective.' This prob is little different from the situation of how, in a box's maze of criss-crossing lines, some can see a shape in there that others can't until it's clearly outlined for the others. And that a teacher's most challenging job/('problem'?) is finding out how to clearly outline the solution, whatever the prob, whatever the subject, is what I finally appreciated. But, such calls for time-consumption in learning the varied 'perspectives' of others re any subject.

     Anyhoo, GL with your prob.


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