| | Whoa, Michael: Been there, done that (well, not specifically, but, I got [and, I presume you get] the gist). Matter of fact, am still doing 'that.' Looking for a way to get a real 'change of life-style,' that is. --- Aruba, Colorado Springs...secret island. C'est la vie. Endure what one has to until one can change it (however slightly, and, hopefully, noticeably), is all I can say. Yeah, I'd like to move to AZ (northern) or CO (northern, and I hate the cold; but the Xians in the south [re AFAcademy and surroundings] would be worse to put up with). Someday...
I was an 'instructor' in the AF; we had to go through a 6-mo course covering all the stuff about communicating the subject, being a lecturer, etc. but what I found (later) experientially was a teacher's/instructor's need to learn to try to see where the (presumed desire-to-learn) student was not understanding one's clearly formed gems-of-wisdom that obviously should have needed no questions. No matter how one 'explains' something, someone will definitely have a prob in understanding, not because of lack of smarts or background knowledge, but, merely a quite different (ergo, not matching your) 'perspective.' This prob is little different from the situation of how, in a box's maze of criss-crossing lines, some can see a shape in there that others can't until it's clearly outlined for the others. And that a teacher's most challenging job/('problem'?) is finding out how to clearly outline the solution, whatever the prob, whatever the subject, is what I finally appreciated. But, such calls for time-consumption in learning the varied 'perspectives' of others re any subject.
Anyhoo, GL with your prob.